For many companies, a China-based international sales representative is a great asset. Many international companies have sales representatives stationed in China to help promote their products and ensure their global presence. With China being an emerging market and having the second-largest economy in the world, understanding the international sales representative salary and related benefits can help a company make educated decisions about investing in their Chinese business.

international sales representative

Understanding the international sales representative

An international sales representative in China is usually an individual who has been signed on with a company to handle their sales and marketing within the country. This position is often divided into two roles – marketing and sales. For marketing, the international sales representative would be in charge of building relationships with potential clients and informing them about the company’s products and services. On the sales side, the role involves direct contact with customers and handling negotiations as well as closing deals.

The salary of international sales representatives in China is largely dependent on the company as many don’t follow a standard protocol. Having said that, the average salary of an international sales representative in China for 2020 is around 20,000-30,000 Yuan per month for an experienced applicant. This salary can be higher or lower depending on the experience of the individual as well as the company’s budget. In addition, international companies may also offer additional benefits such as housing allowances, travel costs, etc.

There is a significant amount of potential for international sales representatives in China as the country is still in the early stages of its market presence. Because of this, there is a lot of room to grow and develop knowledge in the specific field of international sales representation. With the right tools and guidance, international sales reps in China can reach a high level of success in terms of salaries and job satisfaction relatively quickly thanks to the country’s potential growth.

While having the right attitude for international sales representation in China is incredibly important, it is also vital for representatives to possess certain knowledge and skillsets to be successful. This can include mastering the Chinese language, having excellent communication and negotiation skills, and mastering the basics of marketing and sales. Understanding the Chinese culture and people is also important to be able to effectively interact with customers and successfully close deals.

international sales representative

Finding the right candidate for the role of international sales representative in China is an integral part of any multinational corporate strategy. Despite the vast potential, the position also comes with certain complexities such as different cultural differences and market knowledge which must be taken into account. Understanding the international sales representative salary in China as well as what skillsets and benefits are associated with the role can help companies make sure they have both the right person and budget in place for this important position.