For those looking for an exciting new career challenge, gaining international sales representative jobs in China can be an excellent choice. According to the CIA World Factbook, China is the world’s most populous country and the second-largest economy. With its changing economic atmosphere, the world’s manufacturing center in China poses numerous opportunities for international sales representatives. Considering the huge market for consumer products and services in this enormous country, an international sales representative in China has the potential to earn handsomely and make a rewarding career.

International Sales Representative Jobs In China

Overview of International Sales Representative Jobs In China

Global businesses are expanding rapidly in China over the past decade. China is now the world’s leading exporter of goods and services and in 2017, businesses in China accounted for an incredible 19% of the total world export value of all goods and services. This makes China a prime destination for any international sales representative looking for an exciting and secure job opportunity.

An Explosion of eCommerce Opportunity

Ecommerce is on the rise in China and the potential for growth is only expanding. China is now home to the world’s largest retail e-market, with over 600 million consumers shopping online. According to the China E-Marketing Guide, China’s online retail sales are expected to exceed US$1.3 trillion by 2020. With an incredibly high demand for products and services among the Chinese population, international sales representatives looking to work in China have an excellent market to tap into.

The Skills and Requirements for Success

Gaining an international sales representative job in China requires certain skills and requirements. An international sales representative will need to be proficient in the local Chinese language in order to effectively communicate with customers and understand their needs. Moreover, it is important for these representatives to have the interpersonal skills and cultural understanding necessary to negotiate sales and build relationships with customers in the Chinese market.

A Brief Overview of the Competition

When considering taking on an International Sales Representative job in China, it is important to have an understanding of the competition. There are many other foreign nationals in the market, competing for the same sales opportunities. Additionally, the competition becomes even tougher when competing against the local Chinese firms, which already have a strong foothold and can easily reach a new level of customers. Ultimately, capturing a good slice of the Chinese market is key for the success of an International Sales Representative in China.

What Tasks Do International Sales Representatives Do in China?

International sales representatives in China perform tasks such as researching potential customers, outlining sales strategies, creating promotional materials, establishing contacts, and negotiating contracts. Additionally, these representatives may be involved in marketing campaigns and be responsible for product and pricing analysis. It is also important for international sales representatives to stay up-to-date on customer feedback and current market trends in order to strengthen their abilities.

Navigating China’s Unique Sales System

When it comes to sales in China, there are many unique regulations and customs that must be taken into account. It is important for international sales representatives to understand the Chinese system of taxation, licenses, and regulations that may affect their work. Additionally, understanding the culture and traditions of the Chinese people is essential for creating successful relationships with customers and closing sales.

Preparing for International Sales Representative Career Growth

In order to succeed as an international sales representative in China, it is important to constantly strive for professional development. There are many opportunities for Sales reps to invest in their knowledge and skills, such as taking initiatives to pursue additional qualifications, join networking events, and learn about new trends in the industry. Ultimately, this helps them to stay ahead of the competition and increase the success of their sales career.

International Sales Representative Jobs In China


International sales representative jobs in China offer unprecedented potential for growth and career development. The newly-emerging market for online retail combined with the traditional Chinese system of taxation, regulations, and traditions will challenge any international sales representative looking to gain success in the Chinese market. In order to be successful, representatives must ensure they are equipped with the necessary skills, qualifications, and cultural understanding to succeed. Ultimately, international sales representative job in China can be an extremely rewarding career path that requires all these elements to be taken into account.