Visitors to the Qinling Wildlife Park in Xian in Shaanxi province save 40 yuan (US$5.80) in entrance fees by paying local residents for access to a ladder to climb over a wall into the wildlife park, the Huashang Daily reported.

Chinese tourists in northern China are still scaling walls to enter a wildlife attraction even after a man was mauled to death by a tiger earlier this year after climbing into another zoo, Chinese media reported.

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Visitors to the Qinling Wildlife Park in Xian in Shaanxi province save 40 yuan (US$5.80) in entrance fees by paying local residents for access to a ladder to climb over a wall into the wildlife park, the Huashang Daily reported.

They pay 60 yuan to get a ladder, saving on the official entrance fee of 100 yuan, according to the report.

Many Chinese tourists have been using this cheaper way to gain entrance to the park, although scaling the wall might put them in danger as they enter near animal enclosures, the report said.

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“I don’t know why I chose to enter the park this way,” one visitor told the newspaper.

He said he and three of his friends scaled the wall into the park last month.

“Listening to the lion’s roar nearby really frightened me,” he said. “I really regretted climbing into the park. It’s extremely dangerous.”

The park’s authorities told the paper they knew local residents were making money by helping tourists climb in, but had taken no action against it.

“These people just loiter near the park. They have done this [help visitors enter the park] multiple times. We don’t have an effective way to stop them,” a security guard was quoted as saying.

