This topic of discussion takes my thoughts back to when I was in high school. I had acquired a funny nickname, because my puberty hit in the reverse direction; whilst every other girl had beautiful curves and was getting piercings in all the right places,
This topic of discussion takes my thoughts back to when I was in high school. I had acquired a funny nickname, because my puberty hit in the reverse direction; whilst every other girl had beautiful curves and was getting piercings in all the right places, I, on the other hand, had gained extra weight in all the visible parts of my body. Of course, at some point during that time that I was battling depression, I cut down on my food portions drastically. My mother had signed me up for a gym class and yoga lessons once she realized her baby’s self-esteem was flagging. I wore corsets tight enough to keep my bloated stomach in and opted to walk instead of taking the bus. I was doing all the right things but progress felt painfully slow.
Photo: 123RF Stock Photos
Somewhere along the way I realized obesity was in my family’s genetics. My father was obese and so were his sisters and several of their kids. It ran in the family! A life-changing moment was when it hit me that not all body fat demons could be cast out with only exercise so, I decided to change my whole approach.
Photo: 123RF Stock Photos
At the age of eighteen, no guy had ever asked me out; you can imagine my desperation. I remember lamenting about my weight to a friend in front of a coffee shop. Long story short, this angel of an eavesdropper overheard me, came over and told me about not eating meat. I was intrigued, so I went home and did my research.
Fast forward to present day; I have been a vegan for close to a decade now and love the results. What used to be a quest to cut down on calories has become a lifestyle I intend to maintain. It wasn’t easy in the beginning and it definitely took a lot of getting used to. All in all, going vegan has been the most sustainable, enjoyable and definitely the most nourishing diet. Here are some reasons why:
Photo: Youtube
Photo: Food NDTV
First off, my days of starving myself were over. I ate three times a day, ate when I was hungry and ate portions that were enough to keep me full.
My daily grocery costs dropped significantly once I removed meat and dairy products from my purchases and instead began to buy fruits and vegetables.
I cut down on buying food from outside or eating in public places, which also increased my savings.
Photo: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Photo: Nonprofit Chronicles
I definitely felt healthier, and I could feel my organs were beginning to function quite well. I also focused less on frying food and instead opted for baking, steaming and boiling.
Photo: turning teen
That being said, the benefits of being vegan are notable, particularly when compared to diets that include meat. Studies have proven that being vegan drastically influences the healing process for diseases such as type two diabetes and metabolic syndrome as well as reducing the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Several studies also suggest a link between longevity and a vegetarian diet. According to a study by the Loma Linda University, vegetarians typically live almost seven years longer, and vegans almost fifteen years longer, than meat eaters.
But one will ask if ditching meat completely and taking up the vegan life is really a necessary evil to losing weight, and my answer would be a resounding ‘yes!’ Meat, dairy, and eggs are the main sources of cholesterol that build up in unwanted places. Once that cholesterol-forming meal is replaced with greens and other healthy foods that not only provide vital minerals and vitamins to the body, but also prevent excessive cholesterol buildup, you are assured of your weight loss and healthy living.
Photo: Pinterest
Switching to vegetarianism, especially for the purpose of weight loss, requires hardcore discipline and optimism as well as some sacrifice and attention to detail. Avoid eating out on a regular basis. Eating at restaurants makes it much more difficult to control calorie intake. Pay attention to your portion sizes, especially at the beginning. Careful planning of your meals each day will also help you reach weight goals. Prep meals the night before, weigh out portions for on-the-go meals, keep healthy snacks close by so you can satisfy cravings with something that is low-fat and low-calorie. Planning is definitely a part of any weight-loss regimen. In addition to eating a balanced, nutritional meal, it is essential that fitness is part of your weight loss plan; don’t forget to exercise.
Photo: Pinterest
What do you think about this Topic? Should you go Vegetarian? Please leave your comments below!