HQB Beauty Girls (part 3)

This is article is the final part of a three part series. Please read the first article here and the second article here


In the previous articles, I have talked about what is the business of the HQB beauty girls and what they do. But knowing these do not prepare you well enough to deal with a related situation with these girls.

Here are some strategies I have in mind when in a situation like this:

1. Do NOT try a physical fight.

Hollywood made it seem so handsome to fight on the screen, but in reality, it might not be so practical. As an expat, you might want to think twice before punching a local in the face with their aligned locals around. They might have backups.


2. Pretend that you are on a team with “friends” around.


Being in a team is always stronger than an individual. Yup! We have known that since college! Teams bring more swag than just one coming to the party! It works the same here. Letting these people know you have friends outside waiting for you always help you stay out of “alone” situation. Then they will be cautious of doing anything bad.


3. Call your “team member” to come help you out.

Let them know you have a friend coming to help. This might let them know you are not an individual force and they might not be ready to expose their beauty business to someone else they have not done the sales pitch on. Yeah!


4. Start to walk out to meet the “friend”.


Of course, there won’t be anyone coming to you because you are indeed single at that moment. So try to make an excuse saying your friend is somewhere else waiting and start to walk out and run! A store member might want to accompany you. You can then imply the location is a justice department, a place these people are cautious about because their business makes a profit from the gray area (灰色地带).


5. What if they stop me from going out?


Now it’s time to show them some color to see (给点颜色给他们看=literally means to show them what you got!) Well, if they keep stopping you from running, the situation will be different. I will call it a “kidnap”. Some simple ways are:


1) Pay whatever they asked for and leave. Usually, they won’t charge you too much because they want you to pay the amount you can offer as soon as possible and stay out of bargaining or time waste.

2) Call 101, or 12315 for Consumer Protection Bureau.

3) Scream at the top of your lungs to attract attention and embarrass them.


4) Act like you went nut all of a sudden, do some embarrassing and crazy thing like twisting your body really hard or tremble like you have some physical issues or diseases that can freak them out enough to get rid of you from their stores.


5) Call your friend to bring baseball sticks and things that really hurts to fight your way out. I don’t recommend using physical fight at the beginning but leave it till the last thing to do if we got down like this.