From 15-March, new rules carried out by Chinese government will take effect to protect your right as consumers, If consumers find the goods purchased from physical shops or online stores to be of poor quality or contain defects, consumers can exchange or


From 15-March, new rules carried out by Chinese government will take effect to protect your right as consumers, If consumers find the goods purchased from physical shops or online stores to be of poor quality or contain defects, consumers can exchange or return the goods during the set period. Below are details.


01.  Key points of the new rules

3.jpg“Three Guarantees” certificate

  • Three Guarantees (三包): consumers can enjoy 3 kinds of guarantees from the sellers: repair, exchange and return;
  • 7 days: consumers can have the goods repaired, exchanged or returned in 7 days after the purchase made with quality problems found;
  • 15 days: consumers can only have the goods exchanged or returned in 15 days after the purchase made with quality problems found.

02.  How to exchange and return the goods?

Physical stores

If consumers need to exchange or return goods purchased from physical stores (offline stores), keep the followings in mind:


  • Keep the receipt, invoice and “Three Guarantees” certificate which are effective proofs of your purchase;
  • Check whether the receipt is correct, and if the invoice information matches the seller;


  • Consult the seller about rules of goods exchange and return;
  • Keep the goods’ package materials in good shape.

Note: goods bought from large malls or famous malls can enjoy a more thoughtful after-sale service.


Under these circumstances, goods cannot be exchanged or returned:

  • When buying domestic appliances, ask the seller to also provide installation service rather than do it yourself. Otherwise, you will not be able to have the product repaired, exchanged or returned if any problems occur during the installation process;


  • When there are damages caused by men on domestic appliances or shoes, consumers will not be able to have the goods repaired, exchanged or returned;
  • Foods that have a short period of quality guarantee or are eaten;
  • Goods that are used.


Online stores

Due to its virtual nature, online shopping poses more uncertainties in the guarantee of consumer rights. Take note of the followings when exchanging or returning the goods.


  • Keep records of the web pages when transactions are made, including chat history, payment pages, etc.;
  • Keep the receipt, “Three Guarantees” certificate, invoice and express delivery receipt;
  • Make sure the goods is properly packed.


Under these circumstances, consumers cannot exchange or return the goods purchased online:

  • Customized goods, such as clothes, cakes, etc.;
  • Raw or putrescible    goods;
  • Audiovisual and software goods downloaded online or opened by consumers;
  • Newspapers, periodicals.

03.  What to do when your consumer rights are violated?


  1. Call 12315, the consumers complain and report hotline;
  2. Visit the local complain and report website. If you are in Guangzhou, the website is (Chinese version. You need to ask your Chinese friends to help you log in first).

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