Many dating sites have sprung up on the web lately and China is no exception to this development. In fact, different types of dating sites have been exposed to the Chinese population to suit their diverse tastes, including foreigners that live here. Thus,

Many dating sites have sprung up on the web lately and China is no exception to this development. In fact, different types of dating sites have been exposed to the Chinese population to suit their diverse tastes, including foreigners that live here. Thus, it is no surprise that many Chinese women (and men) may cultivate interest in foreigners and vice versa. Let’s take another angle where a foreigner begins to develop sentiments for a Chinese and wants to express his/her feelings. Yet, the deterrent to do so is obvious – language inhibition.



Learning Mandarin is a tedious process that requires time and determined efforts. But how do you skip all that drama and cut to the chase to getting your future Asian wife or husband.


Wechat has a translation icon that makes it perfect for bridging up the language gap. I once experienced this when I made a Chinese friend that typically couldn’t speak any English at all and neither could I comprehend his rattling Mandarin speech. Even on outing dates, we used our phones throughout. Wechat is especially good for complicated and lengthy conversations that may have led to frustrating moments in speech. 


You can have basic conversations with these apps without much stress. By installing QQ international, you will be able to find yourself some chat buddies and if you’re luck, an Asian partner. Frankly speaking, there are more fish in QQ’s sea.  Both of these apps may only limit your conversations to basic chats as lengthy and complicated interactions my go horribly wrong.


Instead of going so deep into studying Mandarin, you can pick up some slang to use on your new friend. For instance, typing 88 when you’re ending a conversation (it means bye-bye, as the Chinese word for 8 is ba.) try to impress your Chinese partner by making an effort to speak a little Chinese and whilst you are at it, don’t forget to confess that your Chinese may not be too good. You never know when you might accidentally say an inappropriate word.


Try your hand at learning basic Chinese grammar such as “woyaoqu….”, “nizainali?” that way you can check to make sure Google’s translation aren’t total rubbish. Fear not, Chinese grammar is very basic compared to English!

Thankfully, many Chinese people are making attempts to speak and understand the English language. You may be lucky enough to find one that has a good command of the language. Even when speaking becomes a problem, there are those that may understand the language when spoken to. If that’s the case, try to speak a little more slowly. Make sure your words are as basic as possible. If you are already in a relationship with a Chinese person, you can do yourself and your partner some good by getting him/her some English textbooks or pay for an English tutor.


Wechat has a translation icon that makes it perfect for bridging up the language gap. I once experienced this when I made a Chinese friend that typically couldn’t speak any English at all and neither could I comprehend his rattling Mandarin speech. Even on outing dates, we used our phones throughout. Wechat is especially good for complicated and lengthy conversations that may have led to frustrating moments in speech. 


You can also find yourself a human translator. Not just anyone but one that you can trust to translate your important messages like travel plans with your partner and so on.

I know there are many foreigners who have had long lasting relationships and even successful marriages and reaped the benefits of finding a Chinese partner and yet have never known a word of Chinese when they met. True, it is not an easy thing to do but trust me, it is one hell of an adventure!

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