Many Chinese people want to be video game testers, and not only for fun. With more local and international game developers moving to China, the market for video games is rising. This implies that professional video game testers are in great demand, and foreigners have as much opportunity as Chinese residents to enter into this business. This blog discusses how foreigners may become video game testers in China.

How To Become A Video Game Tester In China

Before becoming a video game tester in China, you must comprehend the industry. China has the world’s biggest video gaming market, at about $38 billion in 2020. The country’s fast rising middle class and mobile game popularity are driving this expansion.

Domestic businesses like Tencent, NetEase, and Perfect World dominate the Chinese video game market. However, Ubisoft, EA, and Kojima Productions are among the multinational gaming businesses in China. This implies that Chinese game developers and publishers distribute both local and international games, making it appealing to foreigners.

China requires particular credentials and expertise for video game testers. The job may look enjoyable and simple, but it demands hard effort and devotion. Passion for gaming is the most vital need. Video game testers will show that this is more than a hobby—they adore the business.

Besides a love of gaming, a degree in computer science, game design, or similar discipline may help. This will help you understand game development, which is essential for game testing. Programming, coding, or game design expertise will also set you apart.

Attention to detail, communication, and problem-solving are essential video game tester qualities. Game testers must find and report bugs, malfunctions, and other problems to the development team. This takes attention to detail and effective communication. To overcome game hurdles, you may require innovative problem-solving abilities.

Networking is essential in every sector, including China’s video game industry. Connections and ties in the sector are crucial, particularly for foreigners. Attending gaming conferences, joining online groups, and networking with industry pros may help you uncover possibilities and break into the business.

Networking and Chinese language proficiency are also helpful. Some game development organizations require English-speaking testers, but knowing Chinese might expand your options. It also demonstrates your commitment to working in China and adapting to local customs.

Chinese video game tester job applications are comparable to other employment applications, with a few exceptions. You need a solid CV and cover letter that shows your enthusiasm for gaming and appropriate abilities and certifications. Foreigners should also highlight their Chinese language and cultural expertise.

How To Become A Video Game Tester In China

Many Chinese game developers list video game tester jobs online. Monitoring these sites and applying for relevant openings might help you find work. Asking industry connections about possibilities is also helpful. Building a network and developing contacts will boost your career prospects in this competitive business.

Many dream of being a video game tester in China, but it takes hard work and devotion. Foreigners entering the Chinese video game business must understand the sector, have the right talents, network, and apply for jobs. Foreigners may succeed as video game testers in China if they love gaming, work hard, and are flexible.