Do you know how to apply for a Residence Permit in Guangzhou? Here we show you all about applying for a regular residence permit and answers to those burning questions you have.

Do you know how to apply for a Residence Permit in Guangzhou? Here we show you all about applying for a regular residence permit and answers to those burning questions you have. 


For work


Foreign nationals entering Guangzhou with a Z visa or another type of visas.

Supporting documents:

  1. A copy of their work permit issued by the local human resources and social security bureau or the foreign experts administration.

  2. A certificate of employment from their employer.

  3. A copy of the registration certificate of the work unit.

Those entering the country with other types of visas should also submit a certification document conforming the conditions and requirements for high-level foreign talent. This includes those foreign professionals with skills and expertise that are in high demand, as specified by Chinese authorities. Entrants may also provide relevant supporting documents according to the Regulations on Entry and Residence Facility for High-level Foreign Talent and Investors.

For study


Foreign nationals enter Guangzhou with an X1 visa or other type of visas.

Supporting documents:

  1. An official document showing the major and the duration of their study from their school.

  2. An admission notice or a matriculation certificate.

  3. Those with any other type of visas should also submit supporting documents issued by the relevant government authority.


Please note

If you want to apply for a part-time job while studying at college or take an off-campus job with a residence permit for study, you must apply for an annotation on your residence permit to the Exit and Entry Administration Department of Guangzhou Public Security Bureau. 

You also need an agreement from your school or employer and to submit the application materials.

For family reunions


Foreign nationals enter Guangzhou with a Q1 visa or other types of visas.

Supporting documents:

  1. A proof of family relation.

  2. A proof of identity of the visited person, as well as official documentation detailing the relation.

  3. For children under the age of 18 who are of foreign nationality and are in foster care in China and whose parents are Chinese with foreign citizenship or overseas Chinese:

  • A copy of the birth certificate

  • A photocopy of their parents’ passports. If one or both parents are of Chinese citizenship, a photocopy of their overseas permanent residence certificate should also be provided.

  • Either a copy of the foster parents’ local household registration certificate, or a certificate of at least six months of local residence. A copy of the relevant national identity card.

  • The power of attorney of both biological and foster parents, which should indicate foster care or the name of the guardians and the duration of foster care.

For personal affairs


Foreign nationals enter Guangzhou with an S1 visa or other types of visas.

  • To visit foreigners with residence permits in Guangzhou, you should submit an official document showing relation to the visited person (spouse, parents, parents in law, or children under the age of 18), as well as a copy of the visit person’s residence permit and passport.

  • Foreign nationals who are receiving medical assistance or services in China should submit a certificate of hospitalization for at least six months issued by a medical institution above the county level or above Grade A of Class II, or a certificate of medical services received.

  • Chinese with foreign citizenship who are 60 years old or above and who have purchased property in China, should submit a certificate of their title to the property or a notarized copy of the property purchase contract and the evidence of financial sources.

  • For other personal affairs, you should also provide relevant supporting documents for your stated personal affairs.

Detailed application process

1. Log into the Guangzhou Entry and Exit Public Management Information System:

2. Enter the “Individual Application for Foreigners”

3. Fill out the application correctly and truthfully

4. Applicants will receive a pre-application number online before taking the relevant application documents to Entry and Exit Administration Department.

5. Apply

6. The police will process the application

7. Documents will be reviewed within 12 days.

8. The residence permit will be made in 3 days after being approved. You can choose to receive the permit by mail or by collecting it at the Exit & Entry Administration Department of Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau.

More information

Exit & Entry Administration Department of Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau

Opening Hours: 

Workdays: 8∶30-12∶00; 14∶00-17∶30

Address: 155 Jiefang South Road, Yuexiu district, Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China

Phone: (020) 83115725

Traffic Guidance:

Bus: Get off at Jiefang South Road Station. Bus 5, Bus 14, Bus 29, Bus 64, Bus 86, Bus 87, Bus 88, Bus 113, Bus 180, Bus190, Bus 191, Bus 243, Bus 244a, Bus 244b, Bus 244, Bus 250, Bus 253, Bus 273,Bus 519.

Metro: Line 2, get off at Haizhu Square and exit from B3; Or Line1, get off at Gongyuanqian Station and exit from J.


400 yuan  for each residence permit valid for less than a year

800 yuan for each residence permit valid for 1 to 3 years

1000 yuan for each residence permit valid for 3 to 5 yearsGIC.jpg