Tattoos of Chinese characters can be really beautiful and artistic, some also can be meaningful and speak the words of wisdoms, however some of the samples we have here really make us wonder if the person or even the tattoo artist understood the meaning o

Tattoos of Chinese characters can be really beautiful and artistic, some also can be meaningful and speak the words of wisdoms, however some of the samples we have here really make us wonder if the person or even the tattoo artist understood the meaning of these words.  If you don’t understand Chinese and ever were thinking about getting a tattoo of Chinese characters, the advice is to get a second opinion from your knowledgeable Chinese friend.

“Coffin Man”


“Father and Mother”, except using 母 (mother)  instead of 娘 (informal) would be much more suitable


Not sure what this means…


This makes no sense


Probably a direct translation of his English name, but the 2nd character is up side down.


Kong Fu, Sadness?


“I don’t eat meat 88 but I bite”


?!?!?!??!?!? not only the hand writing is bad, some characters are tattooed backwards and they make no sense.


“Crazy Diarrhea”  This guy must have digestion problems.


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