Thousands-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is gaining popularity in China. Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in TCM featuring dried plant materials called moxa being burned on or near the surface of the skin.

Thousands-year-old Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is gaining popularity in China. Moxibustion is a form of heat therapy in TCM featuring dried plant materials called moxa being burned on or near the surface of the skin. It has been proven to be effective in preventing and treating diseases with heat stimulation on pressure points or related parts of the body.


Dr. Zhao Lili has been working in the fields of acupuncture and moxibustion for more than 30 years at the First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University of TCM in central China’s Henan Province. Her proudest achievement is one particular type of moxibustion called the “Fire Dragon Moxibustion.”

The technique is said to have originated from the palaces of ancient China and was learned and carried on by the hospital.



“Some patients are allergic to the smoke from the burning moxa, so we studied medical books dating back to the Jin Dynasty more than 1,500 years ago. Then we modified the traditional fire treatment method into the ‘Fire Dragon Moxibustion’. The biggest advantage of the treatment is that it’s a comprehensive one. The temperature is controllable, the moxa and herbs (are) soaked first and applied to the body, and we can massage acupuncture points at the same time,” said Zhao.

Apart from expelling the cold and stimulating blood circulation, the therapy can also help with back problems, Zhao added.



Fire moxibustion is helpful in warming and re-energizing the body and elevating yang qi, which helps people to resist cold and damp conditions.

“I feel worn out easily. And my legs and arms always feel cold. After undergoing the fire moxibustion treatment, I feel stronger and more comfortable,” said a patient who had just finished his ginger moxibustion treatment, in which fresh ginger is crushed and placed on selected pressure points.



“I went to the hospital for treatment for my knees and lower back. Initially, I felt better, but soon the pain returned. Then I had acupuncture and moxibustion treatment here and I feel pretty good. It’s particularly effective on my back because now I can straighten it more easily, and I don’t feel exhausted after doing housework,” said another patient.

Moxibustion is not only used for pain relief, but also for treating anxiety, insomnia, infertility and many other symptoms.



Zhao’s department receives nearly 2,000 outpatients for moxibustion every month, with a 13 percent increase year-over-year. Many of them come from surrounding provinces.

With more people paying attention to their health and well-being, fire moxibustion may soon become well-known to many more people across China.

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