Woman hides 124 diamonds worth $43m in her bra is caught at China customs.

Woman hides 124 diamonds worth $43m in her bra, gets caught at China customs.



She thought that she could fool them, but one bumbling smuggler was caught red-handed by custom officers in Shenzhen, China.

When her luggage went through the X-ray machine in July this year, they noticed something suspicious.



The scan showed an unusual stack of papers at the bottom of her bag which had a shape and size that did not resemble common paper products such newspapers, books, or paper towels, Sina News reported.

So, custom officers opened her luggage to inspect its contents and uncovered a large stack of diamond certificates.

However, the woman denied carrying any diamonds.



When officers did a body search, they found a total of 124 diamonds hidden in the padding of her bra.

The gems weighed over 17g and are worth an estimated 208 million yuan (S$43 million), CGTN reported.

The woman and the items have since been handed over to the anti-smuggling department.



After the incident, custom officers reminded travellers to make declarations when they are carrying valuables such as gold or jewellery and not attempt to bring in these items by concealing them.

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