Expat Try To Picks Tea Leaves In Guiyang

From dawn to dusk, famer is busy picking  leaves on a vast tea farm. In China, tea picked in early spring before the Qingming Festival when people show respect to their ancestors is considered particularly precious.



A popular saying among tea lovers goes “Tea before Qingming is as precious as gold.” Some high-end tea varieties picked at this time can be sold for as much as 2,400 yuan ($349) per kilogram. 

West Lake

Farmers picking fresh West Lake Longjing tea leaves in a tea plantation in Meijiawu Village of Hangzhou, capital of east China’s Zhejiang Province. West Lake Longjing Tea planters in Hangzhou are busy with their harvest work ahead of the Qingming Festival to produce the Mingqian (literally “pre-Qingming”) tea, which are made of the very first tea sprouts in spring and considered to be of high quality.  





An expat also try to picks tea leaves in a tea garden in Guiyang.





A group of expats from eight countries, including France, Germany and Italy, were invited on the field trip on the outskirts of the city to experience Chinese tea culture by picking, brewing and sipping tea.

Source:Sina, News, Chinadaily
