eChinajobs Reviews

About eChinacities

eChinacities is an English-language website offering comprehensive services for international visitors and expatriates in China. and information.

In most countries, one of the most effective ways to get information about job openings is to search the internet or use special job applications, and China is certainly not an exception.

eChinacities is the most popular job search website used by foreigners in China. It provides daily, up-to-date information about job openings for foreigners in major Chinese cities. The jobs posted on the site cover almost all categories from IT and management to marketing and English teaching.

How to Find a Job in China

If you want to get a job in China, knowing Chinese is definitely a plus. Although most young people in China speak English, the language barrier is still a problem as they are not always fluent. Therefore, when communicating with your colleagues at work, knowing Chinese is a great advantage and will greatly increase your productivity! Secondly, living in China means being confronted with a completely different culture every day.

Being familiar with the Chinese way of life and habits will definitely put you in a better position to handle interpersonal relationships. Having an HSK (Chinese Proficiency Test) certificate is always an advantage when applying for a work visa in China.

Currently, China's job market is facing a shortage of interns and there are many internship positions open to foreigners in different fields. An internship with a reliable Chinese company will help you gain work experience and can be a transition to a full-time position. In addition, it is a good opportunity to get to know the corporate culture of a Chinese company. In China, internships usually last three months and there are headhunters in all major Chinese cities to help foreigners find suitable internships. Internship opportunities.

Social networks play an important role in your professional development in China. Therefore, it may be helpful to attend social events organized by foreigners and organizations that support foreigners in China. With the development of social networking, you will have more opportunities to keep in touch with people from different business backgrounds and it will provide you with opportunities for the future. More career opportunities.

Find a recruitment agency or headhunting firm

China is getting more competitive at the moment, seriously. More and more people are seeing this trend and you need a leg up. Agencies are most likely local companies that can already set up interviews, send out your resume, and know exactly where to put you. Where. Some, if not most, will charge a fee. Just pay the fee. It's an investment in yourself. Some people are willing to intern for free, just for the opportunity. Others are willing to pay to get a job and carve themselves into the Chinese economy.

The most important aspect is your visa. This should be the most important consideration before going to work in any country that is neither your nationality nor your permanent resident. In the case of China, only those with work permits and related visas can legally work in the country. It is a criminal offence to enter the country while applying for, obtaining, holding and processing a visa for a purpose different from that for which you are visiting.

When you are a company, you want to hire an employee right away, but if, you apply to the company and you are not in China. Nor do you prepare for work; or you do not currently hold a work permit or visa. This is because it can take a short or long time to receive all the documentation required to apply for a work permit and visa.

Also, if there is a part of your personal and/or professional history that limits your opportunities, this could also be an issue. So, my advice is to find a professional to arrange the work permit and visa for you, and then come to China, after which you can more easily Find a job because you're ready to start working right away and you're doing so legally.