eChinacities Jobs

More and more foreigners realize their "Chinese dream" by immigrating to China, whether for language purposes or career opportunities. China's culture is broad and profound, attracting people from all over the world. With the increasing openness of China to the world, Chinese courses and employment opportunities for foreigners are increasing year by year. In this article, we will list the best websites for you to find a job in China.

When Chinese people are looking for jobs in China, they have a lot to do with their relationship (Guānxì in Chinese). However, it is difficult to build relationships abroad. Fortunately, there are many resources on the Internet that can help you avoid this obstacle.

Besides Hiredchina, which websites can find jobs in China and offer other help in China. Is China's most professional foreign job recruitment website. Enterprises can register and publish the job information of foreign employees for free through the platform; foreign job seekers can apply for various positions online for free. Hot jobs will also be posted daily on international social platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. At present, we have served nearly 7000 enterprises and 100000 foreign talents, and 30000 effective job information. At the same time, hiredchina has a 10-year experience of headhunting team to provide accurate foreign talent headhunting services for enterprises. On the other hand, we also organize various kinds of training lectures related to the employment of foreigners offline, so as to cultivate more enterprises' awareness of employing international talents, so as to make more Chinese enterprises succeed in the global competition.

The best way to find a job in China is to take advantage of people who work for a company in China. They may need people with the same skills as you. If you don't have this relationship, the easiest way to find a job is through the Internet. Some of these websites also operate in English, but most of the actual jobs are in Chinese, so you need some knowledge of Mandarin to understand.

How to write a resume and interview for a job in China?

A letter explaining why you are qualified for the job you are interested in. Please note that long cover letters are not common in China, but you should at least explain why you want to apply for the job.

A resume or resume about two pages long. In China, there is no formal requirement for a cover letter, but your resume should at least include some personal information, work experience, education, skills and achievements, and career goals. Please note that the Chinese self-introduction style is quite modest, so any "bragging" in the resume can quickly make a bad impression. Stick to the facts and let them speak for themselves.

Copies of your diploma and other degrees. Considering that education is very important to Chinese employers, you should offer as many degrees as you can when you apply.

If the company or institution you are applying for is interested in your profile, the next step may be a telephone interview. If you are applying to a large company, you may have to go through a series of interviews. As with any job interview, be modest, but be clear about your motivation and skills to make you fit for the job.

Before the interview, put yourself in the position of the recruitment company and ask yourself: why do they want to hire you instead of an experienced Chinese who knows the Chinese environment, and the salary may be only a small part of what you may ask for? If you are applying for an international company: why don't they send an internal employee who already knows the company and its business to China? Answering these questions will help you understand your true market value and determine which companies have a reason to hire you.