Asian countries experienced a large influx of foreign expats in the recent years. This article is a personal opinion about several types of male expats you will meet in Asia.

Asian countries experienced a large influx of foreign expats in the recent years. This article is a personal opinion about several types of male expats you will meet in Asia.

There are different reasons why men move to Asia, and obviously they are looking for someone to share this experience with.

Undoubtedly, there is a larger number of foreign expat men, compared to a smaller number of foreign expat women, which creates an imbalance, or an opportunity some might might

Foreign men have a chance to date both local and foreign women, but what happens to foreign women who are not interested in Asian men?

Foreign men in Asia, in my opinion, don’t treat women as they would back home.

Some men have emotional baggage from previous relationships, and often have “use” attitude towards women in general. When they arrive to Asia, these men are most likely to be spoiled by the attention from all the Asian women, which they simply don’t get back home (Who wouldn’t like that! I got a similar feeling during my recent vacation in Europe…).

Most of these expat men perceive expat women as “difficult”, “picky”, “attitude” and Asian women as “different”, “new”, “exotic”, “must try” among other things. For more about this, check out Tuesday’s GuideinChina article, Why Western Men Love Chinese Women.

There are about 10 categories of expat men in Asia, and here is a brief guide on how to date them, ranked from most dateable 1, to least dateable 10.

I will focus mainly on white males, age 20-40, because that’s the area of my expertisé. This is my personal opinion and I believe it represents about 90% of the foreign white men in Asia. The rest 10% and the “rare exception to the rule” guys because I still have faith in humanity…

Categories of Expat Men in Asia:

1. Models, actors and other creative and public professions – really attractive males here to make quick money, often perceived as womenizers, no long term plans to stay in Asia.

They’s not to notice them, they are simply stunning (when you swipe right on tinder and they send you their model card and availability). They are obsessed with themselves, their lavish lifestyle (compared to their home countries, no wonder they are in Asia!), Gym, social outings and travel.

They have high standards and are more likely to be seen with very beautiful girls. Not the best “boyfriend material”, but they could be an interesting short term fling.

Dateable rating 5, proceed with caution, clearly you know what you’re getting into.


Image: Drama Fever


2. Business people, including startups and entrepreneurs  – usually average to good looking, smart, educated, and have money.

They want to learn the local language for work related and practical reasons and most likely date and marry a local woman, combine “business and pleasure” so to say. They are always busy with work and often unavailable to actually date and rather want someone stable waiting for them at home (nothing wrong with that!).

Often, the woman are the dominant type. Most often, it’s the the woman who has to change in order to fit his lifestyle. Often, the woman is a traditional, submissive type. Some men, however, genuinely fall in love with their Asian spouse , settle down and have kids, but could be unhappy in the long term because of vast culture differences. They choose to stay in the relationship because it is convenient for both sides.

Dateable rating 7, proceed with caution, because he is most likely to choose a local girl over you, the Western girl. And do you really want a man who would treat you as convenience?

3. Digital nomads and entrepreneurs – very similar to “business people” and “models” category, but they have more time to travel and enjoy life. More likely to move around Asian countries (1 year in Philippines, 2 years in Thailand and so on). Potentially he could be a good travel partner with “benefits”, no long term plans and living “in the moment” mentality. Dateable rating 3, he might move and not take you with him, but the experience of dating him could be fun and memorable.


Image: SCMP

4. Expat men who failed at dating Asian girls for various reasons such as obsession with marriage, pressure from her family, creating drama, controlling money, culture differences, etc. and are ready to go back to dating Western girls. Boyfriend potential, but a lot of baggage and trust issues from previous relationships. Dateable rating 2, potentially could make a great partner if you could fix his soul.


5. English teachers –work short term in Asia, up to 5 years, and most likely to move back to their home countries after their contract is over. They have no long term plans, most likely to to enjoy all pleasures Asia brings them. They date both local and Western girls. They might or might not be interested to learn the local language, but they are curious to try new things. They have time, money, energy to go out and date. Boyfriend and long term potential since they can actually take you back to their home country, when the time in Asia is over. Dateable rating 1, if he actually falls in love with you and you both move back before Asia ruins him.


Image: BBC Zeitgeist


6. University students, exchange students and interns – short term stay in Asia, up to 1 year, or they are on a scholarship to do a Bachelor/ Masters degree. They are looking to get the most out of this experience and leave Asia (unless they become the “business man”). Limited time and funds to actually date you, due to a busy academic/ work schedule, scholarship, part time gigs and so on. Dateable rating 4, because they are most likely young and inexperienced. Could make great sexual partner with no strings attached if you actually teach them (because they are eager to learn…).


7. Business people on business trips or assignments – short term, looking for some lady to show them around, play around, and translate for them. If you swipe right on them on tinder, they are most likely inform you of the location of their five star hotel room. They can take you out for an expensive dinner and treat you very nice. Unlikely any long term potential, maybe you will see them again on their next business trip around the world somewhere. Dateable rating 6, or better if you also don’t mind a short period of enjoyment and wild behavior.


Image: Barewalls


8. Married Expats who relocate to Asia , with or without their spouse. These men experience intense culture shock, and also a lot of temptations that immediately surround them.

Obviously not the best choice for dating, most likely they will have a second phone and a side chick because this is how China is (and do not try to argue this, you know it’s true!). I hope their spouses are wise and reasonable women who are able to compromise.

No bad Karma if he’s a liar, and “forgot” to mention he was married. Do not do it unless you have no morals, but who am I to judge , Karma will get you anyways.

9. White men who failed in their home country – so now they have a fresh start in Asia, with all Asian women population all over them. These men would be “undateable” back home (but somehow Asian women find them attractive), so why would you even bother dating them here? Dateable rating 9, unless your standards are low and you are as horny and desperate as the rest of us. But even if you throw yourself at them, they probably wouldn’t even consider seriously dating you. Too busy chasing after Asian girls. I don’t blame them because they actually have a chance for once.




10. Older expats who are 15+ years living outside of their home countries. Gold digger material and lots of emotional baggage in most cases. They have seen and tried everything at this point, and have very little to offer to a woman. Dateable rating 10. Of course true love exists, but Asia would of sucked their soul dry by this point.

By: Cassandra