Since cloud computing is an emerging market around the globe, China becomes the apt place for innovation and investment. Given the population and the economic growth rate as well as the high support of the Chinese government in the promotion of development in the area of technology especially in cloud computing, China becomes a suitable country of destination for the foreign tech workers who wish to enhance their skills in cloud computing.

However, one has to be careful when entering the market, especially if he or she is a foreigner who has little understanding of how things work in China. For your convenience, here are 10 critical tips for you if you are a foreigner willing to establish a cloud computing career in China.

1. Cloud computing Landscape in China

China’s cloud computing market is controlled by several large companies such as Alibaba, Tencent, and Huawei, who are venturing more in cloud solutions. The government is also involved especially through programs such as the “Eleventh Five-Year Plan” that seeks to enhance the cloud infrastructure in the country.

It is therefore necessary to gain understanding of the players, trends and policies currently defining the cloud environment in China as a foreigner. This will assist in helping you know where the most promising opportunities are and thus enable you work towards ensuring that you get a job from the right companies.

2. Develop In-Demand Cloud Skills

In order to be noticed in China’s cloud job market you have to show your skills. The greatest emphasis should be placed on specializing in the systems that dominate in the Chinese market, including Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, and Huawei Cloud.

Get some ideas of what DevOps is, what is containerization, big data analytics, and other useful skills for working with clouds. It is also advisable to pursue some certifications for the same, in order to substantiate your capabilities and authority.

3. Leverage Your Language Skills

Although most of the communication in the Chinese workplaces is still in Mandarin Chinese, many Chinese based companies in the technology sector are increasingly flexible when it comes to Language skills. If you are bilingual, then ensure that you show the employer that you can speak both English and Chinese fluently.

They are important skills that add value to your employment opportunities particularly in organizations that deal with clients or cross border transactions. While applying for a job, be ready to present how fluent you are in that language during the interview.

4. Understand the Hiring Process

Recruitment and selection in China may not be the same as the ones practiced in most developed countries particularly in the West. Gu  connects a big part in getting a job, therefore, developing good connections is recommended.

However, the interview process may include enhanced technical questions, more questions asking about cultural matches. Expectations are likely to be raised as far as your professional competence, especially evidencing your practical knowledge and your flexibility to the Chinese manner of doing business.

5. Customize Your Resume and hosts

Before thinking of applying for any cloud jobs in China, ensure that your resume together with any other online profiles are well localized. It involves rewriting your resume in Chinese (if necessary), stressing on the local experience or certification, if any and ensuring that your branding resonates with the expectations of HRs in China.

It may also be relevant to have an account in an oriental social network, such as LinkedIn or Maimai or Zhihu.

6. Try Getting Acquainted with the Organisation’s Work Culture

You have to get ready for quite a different work culture than what is in practice in most Western countries. Due to political or bureaucratic decision factors people should be ready for more working time, more authoritative hierarchy, and stronger emphasis on obedience and respect towards the authorities.

Besides, tackle such aspects as the culture that reinforces the concept of guanxi and values reciprocation of favors, dependency on hierarchical structures. It is thus possible to understand that accommodating these cultural differences may often be critical towards your prospects in a Chinese context.

7. If unable to find internships or entry-level roles then update the Resume/CV.

Foreign professionals who have limited experience of the Chinese market may well find that the best entry point will be as an intern or at junior level. These opportunities can leave one with a better understanding of the new work culture, help you in networking and may offer you better opportunities in the future.

Currently, most of the top Chinese IT firms have internship positions created for international learners or those who have recently graduated. Consider the above-stated approaches as a means of gaining a first toehold in the Chinese cloud computing market.

8. Policies and regulations are always changing and so one needs to get a handle on them from time to time and additionally to be acquainted with each of the varying policies that are implemented in the market.

This is especially important for an individual working in China as a foreigner as this will help one keep abreast with the new regulations that may affect employment and visa. This involves being conversant with the labor laws, the tax laws and any other legal issues that pertain to cloud computing as well as the legal requirements within the industry.

Discuss with local counterparts such as human resource specialists, immigration attorneys or other professional consultants to ascertain that the business is on the right side of the law.

9. For contingencies, Be Prepared for Relocation and Accommodation

There are also certain things that you should expect when you are accepted for a cloud computing job in China and these include: Accommodation arrangements. This may include matters such as house hunting in China, acquaintance with lease agreements and other necessities like basic expenses.

You might also want to consult your employer for help with the moving process since moving or assigning many big tech companies have resources or moving assistance or housing stipends for workers from other countries.

10. Ways to overcome and leverage the benefits for development From this perspective, we have to embrace the challenges and opportunities as presented below:

China as a technology hub has opened its doors for those seeking a career in cloud computing but at the same time has its own challenges. You should be ready for the challenges that can come in terms of having to change your workplace culture, dealing with a new country’s lifestyle and its environment.

But, there are quite a lot of chances for personal and professional development for those people who do not find themselves in such working conditions comfortable enough. With such challenges and having passion for it and turning strengths into advantages and weaknesses into opportunities, one can successfully build a cloud computing career in China.


Q: Which are the major players in the cloud computing industry in china?

The major players in the Chinese CC market are Alibaba Cloud, Tencent Cloud, Huawei Cloud and Baidu Cloud, and China Telecom Cloud. Most of these are among the technology gurus that are currently dominating the cloud infrastructure, platform and software services in the country.

Q: What knowledge could be considered as the most important for working with cloud computing in China?

The most wanted various IT competencies in China among employers include the knowledge of the most widely used cloud platforms, such as Alibaba, Tencent, Huawei; DevOps, containerization, big data and artificial intelligence.

Q: What should foreigners do to increase their likelihood of Employment in cloud companies in China?

Key tips for foreigners include:Key tips for foreigners include:

  • The first step is to build one’s cloud skills that match current trends and, therefore, certify oneself to ensure that one is a market fit.
  • Emphasizing on language skills which you are good at – English and Chinese.
  • On coming to China, there are several important aspects that one needs to familiarize with regarding the culture the employees have at their workplace.
  • Developing an array of professional contacts, and using personal resources
  • There are several ways you can ensure that your resume and all your online presence reflects the local market you intend to work in.
  • Applying for internships or other first job positions that would be the first step to establish a presence.

Q: What kind of working time and work and family balance can be expected by the cloud computing profession in China?

The work culture adopted within the tech firms based in China is very demanding especially in as much as working hours are concerned, many employees work 996 schedules (working from 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week). Balancing between work and personal life can at times be a difficult endeavor especially with the increased rate of growth in cloud computing occupations. Still it is important to note that the actual schedules and expectations may differ from one company and industry to another.

Q: What are the visa and immigration policies that foreigners are willing to work through cloud computing jobs in China?

Foreigners having intention to work in China must obtain a work visa which sometimes may involve getting a work permit and must meet some educational and experience standards. Getting a visa may prove difficult thus the need to liaise with your employer and seek professional advice from immigration lawyers.