To support the Chinese language education worldwide, the Confucius Institute Headquarter. (Hanban) sponsors and authorizes Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. to conduct Chinese tests, including HSK, HSKK, BCT(Business Chinese Test), YCT (Youth Chine



Introduction to Chinese Test

This HSK introduction article was quoted from the Hanban official website


为支持各国汉语教学,孔子学院总部 / 国家汉办主办并授权汉考国际组织实施 HSK、HSKK、YCT(中小学生汉语考试) 、BCT(商务汉语考试)和  HSKE等多种汉语考试。2016 年全球参加上述考试的考生达 600 万人次。

To support the Chinese language education worldwide, the Confucius Institute Headquarter.  (Hanban) sponsors and authorizes Chinese Testing International Co., Ltd. to conduct Chinese tests, including HSK, HSKK, BCT(Business Chinese Test), YCT (Youth Chinese Test) and HSKE. The total number of test takers taking part in the above mentioned Chinese tests reached 6,000,000 in 2016.



HSK is an international standardized Chinese language test to measure the ability of non-native Chinese speakers to communicate in Chinese in daily lives, academic and working settings. It has six levels.


HSKK 即汉语水平口语考试,分为初级、中级和高级。

HSKK is HSK Speaking Test. It can be divided into three levels, namely,

HSKK (Basic), HSKK (Intermediate) and HSKK (Advanced).

七年来,HSK、HSKK考生人数年均增幅达 37%,2016 年,全球共有 46.4万人参加上述考试。

For the past seven years, the number of  HSK and  HSKK Tests takers increases at 37% per year. In 2016, there are altogether 464,000 people from all over the world sit the tests mentioned above.

目前,共有1066个 HSK/HSKK/YCT/BCT考点, 遍及全球125个国家和地区。

At present, there are 1066 HSK/HSKK/YCT/BCT test centers in total, located throughout 125 countries and regions.



考试结构 Test Structures

1 汉语水平考试 Chinese Proficiency Test(HSK)

HSK 包括 HSK(一级)、HSK(二级)、HSK(三级)、HSK(四级)、HSK(五级)、HSK(六级)。提供纸笔及网络考试两种形式。

HSK comprises of six levels from  HSK-Level 1 to HSK-Level 6, include paper-based test and Internet-based test.

2 汉语水平口语考试 HSK Speaking Test (HSKK)

HSKK 包括 HSKK(初级)、HSKK(中级)和 HSKK(高级),考试采用录音形式。HSKK can be divided into three levels of HSKK(Basic), HSKK(Intermediate) and HSKK(Advanced), and the test takers’ on-site performance will be recorded.




What will a Chinese test do for you?

1  留学中国的通行证

Your gateway to studying in China

中国教育部规定,外国留学生注册进入中国大学学习,需达到汉语水平考试 HSK 四级或以上。

It’s regulated by the Chinese Ministry of Education that foreign students who enroll in Chinese universities to study shall pass the HSK level 4 or above exams.

2  竞争职场的利器

Plus for Career Building

HSK、HSKK和 BCT 被越来越多的国家政府部门、跨国企业采纳,作为招聘、提薪和晋升的重要依据和考核标准。

More and more foreign governments and multinational companies have recognized HSK, HSKK, HSKK、BCT and other Chinese tests, and have used them as criteria for recruitment, performance evaluation, and  HSKK promotion.

Chinese Test Dates in 2019



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