A newborn girl was abandoned in a delivery parcel by her mother in China. She was found covering in layers of plastic bags by a delivery man yesterday

A newborn girl was abandoned in a delivery parcel by her mother in China.  She was found covering in layers of plastic bags by a delivery man yesterday


The ‘parcel’ was scheduled to deliver to an orphanage but the driver found a baby inside when he heard crying sound on the way

A new mother wrapped her baby girl in layers of plastic bags and sent her to an orphanage through a delivery service in southeastern China.

The delivery driver was shocked when he heard a crying sound from the package half-way through the journey.

Footage emerged showing onlookers feeding the baby with water to keep her hydrated in the 37 degree Celsius weather.


A newborn girl was found in a parcel wrapped in plastic bags in southeast China’s Fuzhou  Photo: Dailymail

According to The Beijing News, a delivery man from Dada Delivery picked up an order in Fuzhou’s Jin’an district.

The order was a package delivery to Fuzhou Children’s Welfare Institution on August 9.   

Video footage shows a newborn girl wrapped in layers of plastic bags and appeared to be sweating.


Photo: Sina.com

AccuWeather indicated that the highest temperature in Fuzhou was 36 degrees Celsius.

Onlookers can be seen trying to feed the baby water using a cotton bud.

In the video, the delivery man says he did not meet the mother but he was told to pick up a package.


The baby appeared to be sweating as local temperatures hit a record 36 degree Celsius (left) Member of public fed the baby water using cotton bud (right)  Photo: Dailymail


The delivery driver (pictured) said he received an instruction to pick up an order in Jin’an  Photo: Sina.com

Jin’an policemen and paramedics rushed to the scene and took the newborn girl to hospital for a health inspection.  Jin’an police issued a statement on Weibo, a Twitter-like social media account, today confirming to have found the baby’s mother.

The 24-year-old mother, surnamed Luo, admitted putting her baby girl in a package and attempting to abandon her using a delivery service. 

Police officers are investigating the alleged abandonment case further.   The baby girl remains in hospital in a stable condition, according to hospital staff.  

Video: https://v.qq.com/x/page/o05363qxdw5.html
