Chinese state media claim Chinese men are more ‘honest’, ‘caring’, ” outgoing”, ” responsible” and ‘respectful’, lending encouragement for interracial marriages.

Chinese state media claim Chinese men are more ‘honest’, ‘caring’, ” outgoing”, ” responsible” and ‘respectful’, lending encouragement for interracial marriages.



Chinese men have long been facing the gender imbalance caused by the “one-child policy” and a culture that favors male children over females that manifests in many men being unable to find a wife. As China is headed into a demographic disaster, many men in the coming years will be forced to forgo the idea of marriage.


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It’s estimated that around 15 million men between the ages of 35 and 59 won’t be able to find wives by 2020.  By 2050, it’s thought that the figure could reach 30 million.

The site claims that Chinese men are becoming increasingly attractive to foreign women.  It described Chinese men as being caring and respectful towards women.



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Photo: Ministry of  Tofu

There has been an increasing trend in bachelors paying to wed women from countries such as Vietnam after struggling to find a partner.

In February last year, Mao Shoulong a scholar from Renmin University called on more female immigrants to be encouraged to live and  work in China so that they could perhaps marry Chinese ‘leftover men’.


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Photo: Chinadaily Forum


Men in rural areas face the most difficulty when finding a partner. For a typical rural marriage, a man is expected to have a house and in some cases a car.

Zhang Hu, a father who lives in a mountainous village in northwest China’s Gansu province, spent his entire savings and borrowed a further 150,000 yuan (£16,496) to ensure his son married.


Photo: Daily Mail


In one example of this something more, actor Xu Xiaoguong painted a portrait of his Korean wife, Choo Ja-hyun, moving her to tears. Photo:

Another instance comes from Jocelyn Eikenburg, author of the blog Speaking of China:

“Chinese men have also surprised me with sexiness, where I never would have expected it. One guy once invited me to lunch at our favorite restaurant, and ended up hoisting my legs onto his lap (it’s still one of the hottest lunches I’ve ever had). Another time, I balanced on a bicycle frame between him and his handlebars, as he peddled all the way to our restaurant, with his arms tightly around me.”


Photo: EduPath

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Photo: China Daily

From People’s Daily Online, a third voice vouches for Chinese husbands:

“‘It takes great strength for such an honest man as him to confess that he loves me,’ said Anna, a Russian lady who married a Chinese man in 2007, whom she first met in 2004. She thinks that the most attractive quality of Chinese men is the sense of responsibility.”
