Security staff at a bus station in China were shocked to see arms in a bag under X-ray. The passenger said the limbs had been amputated from his injured brother.

Security staff at a bus station in China were shocked to see arms in a bag under X-ray.  The passenger said the limbs had been amputated from his injured brother.


Photo: Daily Mail

The traveller, surnamed Zheng, was caught as he went through the security check at the Duyun bus station in Guizhou Province. 

The 50-year-old man claimed he was bringing his elder brother’s limbs back home for them to be buried  in the future.


A 50-year-old passenger carried a blue bag through a security checkpoint in Duyun, China  Photo: Daily Mail


Security officer asked the man to open the bag as they spotted two human arms under X-ray Photo: Daily Mail

The officers called the police, who soon arrived to inspect Mr Zheng’s bag.  Apparently, the police found two rotting arms stacked one on top of the other in Mr Zheng’s bag and both severed arms were wrapped in layers of plastic bags.

Mr Zheng explained to the police his elder brother had had his arms amputated after an electrical shock accident.

He said in his village the dead people would need to be buried with all their body parts, so he decided to bring his brother’s arms back home for them to be buried when his elder brother passes away.

Zheng was detained by the police for questioning, but he showed them a medical statement.  Photo: Daily Mail

Zheng’s brother is still receiving treatment at a hospital, said the report.

According to China’s regulation on road transport, passengers can carry any human body parts if they have a medical statement, proof from the police department and proof from the health department.

The report said Mr Zheng produced a medical statement to the police, so the officers let him go. 

However, he was asked to take other forms of transport out of consideration for other bus passengers, according to the station staff.
