A family in northeast China says there have been nearly 50 road accidents outside their rural house in a year, according to a newspaper report.

A family in northeast China says there have been nearly 50 road accidents outside their rural house in a year, according to a newspaper report.


A montage of the family’s pictures of the crashes outside their home. Photo: 163.com

The crashes happened outside the home of Xu Renxiang and her husband He Haijun near Daqing in Heilongjiang province, the China Youth Daily reported.

The road suddenly turns 90 degrees without warning and some motorists plough straight on into the house.

Xu and her husband have taken about 100 photographs recording 48 car accidents over the past year.

“People nearby all know – car accidents often happen at our house,” Xu said.

The first accident happened in November 2010 after the completion of the new road when Xu was eight months pregnant and she and her husband were fast asleep.

On one occasion, four cars crashed into their yard and the first vehicle drove away without offering any compensation.

The scene of thecrashes in Heilongjiangprovince. Photo: 163.com

The couple have appealed to the local government multiple times to address the problem.

Officials, however, have blamed “historical problems” and people’s driving rather than the layout of the road, the newspaper reported.

Xu, 29, said they were still hoping the road can be fixed, although the government has raised the option of offering compensation so they can move to a similarly sized house elsewhere.

“This road has been affecting our house, but one day, when we actually leave, we will still feel a little reluctant,” Xu was quoted as saying.

For now, they rely on a big yellow road sign at the front of their yard, saying in red: “Slow”.

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