In April, the Guangzhou Foreign Experts Bureau issued two documents about new changes on China Work Permit application, which consequently took effect from May 1st. Read on to find out about the important changes:

China Work Permit

Understanding the China Work Permit Applications

In April, the Guangzhou Foreign Experts Bureau issued two documents about new changes on China Work Permit application, which consequently took effect from May 1st. Read on to find out about the important changes:



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1. Adjustment of the centers for dealing with China Work Permit affairs

  • The original center for dealing with China Work Permit formalities in Liwan, Baiyun, Zengcheng, and Conghua, has been replaced by the Guangzhou International Student Service Center.
  • The original center for dealing with China Work Permit formalities in Huangpu has been replaced by the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Huangpu district. 


2. New measures to simplify China Work Permit formalities

Measure 1

Applicants who are selected as part of China’s national plans for high-end talents can now finish the China Work Permit first-time application, extension and modification online –  submitting paper documents are no longer required.

Measure 2

For Category A applicants, their employers are only required to submit related documents online for the China Work Permit application, paper documents are no longer required.


Measure 3

Canceling the procedure related to submitting paper documents for China Work Permit extensions for Category A applicants.


Measure 4

Canceling partial procedures related to submitting paper documents of China Work Permit first-time application for Category B and C applicants.


Measure 5

All procedures for China Work Permits with regard to cancellation, modification, and reapplying can be finished online.

Measure 6

Applicants can directly submit paper documents for dealing with the affairs related to the cancellation of Alien Employment Permits and Foreign Expert Certificates – online pre-review is no longer required.

Measure 7

For foreigners who have ever been granted a China Work Permit, when they come to China to work again, a certificate (diploma) of their highest academic degree is not required. If they apply for the same working position as the previous one, a job qualification certificate is not required. If the new application is submitted at a time within the validity of the previously issued Residence Permit for Work, a non-criminal record certificate is not required.

Measure 8

Making it more efficient for China Work Permit applications for Category A applicants, formalities related to cancellation and extension can be finished within 5 working days.


Q & A




The relevant new measures are applicable to Category A foreigners in Guangzhou, no matter what kind of company they work for. But for measure 3, Category A foreigners who apply for China Work Permit extension based on the condition of meeting the salary standard is excluded. 

Background | Applicants fall under Category A if they meet any of the six pre-defined conditions, one of which is earning over six times the average local salary. Check this article out to see the remaining conditions: Get 10 Years R Visa in 10 Days






Regarding measure 7, for foreigners who have ever been granted a China Work Permit: if they apply for the same working position as the previous one, a job qualification certificate is not required. Note – this does not refer to the same working place, it only applies to the same POSITION.






These new measures are only applicable to Guangzhou – new nationwide measures are yet to be announced and actioned. 


Need to know more about new measures?


Here is a complete interpretation of the new measures!


We’ve provided a complete interpretation of these 8 new measures related to China Work Permit affairs. How will you be affected? Repost this article on WeChat Moments and send a screenshot to Ms HiTouch, and we’ll send you the complete PDF version on WeChat, feel free to share!


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