HiredChina.com brings an all Visa inquiry fair for locals and broader expat community of Shenzhen on the 28th of October, 2017. The much-anticipated fair is being hosted at the Sister Rainbow restaurant and will be personally catered by Chef Ken.



The one-of-a-kind fair aims to address serious issues and questions coming from expats to help them make a smooth transition into life in China. Often, all these questions are on their minds but there is no outlet to address them. Any agency applying for work permits for foreigners is usually so cramped with work that they don’t find time to sit and individually explain all the details to each of their clients. This is where the visa fair comes in: to bridge the gap between information and knowledge.gif;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAAEAAAABCAYAAAAfFcSJAAAADUlEQVQImWNgYGBgAAAABQABh6FO1AAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==


Photo: Internet

A few examples to give you exactly the kind of idea of what this event holds in store for you are questions like:


These are just a few of the practical questions that will be addressed during our Q&A session. To help you with real-time information, HiredChina.com has sought the help of 4 visa agencies that will be present to explain their service portfolio and answer all the questions you may have.


Besides this, several recruiters that advertise jobs on HiredChina.com are expected to be there for sourcing foreign talents. If you are looking for a job, make sure you apply in advance for an ametag with your nationality and a  HiredChina profile QR code so recruiters can spot you and tell you about available opportunities.


If these aren’t already enough reasons for you to attend, perhaps the name Chef Ken will change your mind. The only Chinese chef to ever receive two Blue Ribbon awards; he has formerly served 5 former French Presidents and several international celebrities. His reputation precedes him and he has specially curated a menu for this event. The best part of it all?




The entire event, with free exchange of contacts with recruiters, visa agencies and a Michelin worthy meal comes to you for a meager amount of 200 RMB!!

It obviously doesn’t get better than this. We highly recommend this event for any expat seeking visa advice as it’s always better to meet agents in person and have all your doubts addressed than speaking on the phone or WeChat and missing important bits of information. You’ll get to seek out visa advice, network with recruiters, expand your expat social circle and have a delicious hand-crafted meal all under the same roof. We really can’t think of a better evening of combining work and pleasure.





For more information on the event and schedule, look below:


~  Schedule ~ 

Date  :  Oct 28th, 2017 (Saturday)

Time  :  6:30pm-9:30 pm

Venue: Sister Rainbow Restaurant

6:30 – 9:30 Free flow of wine, water and buffet

6:30 – 7:30 Free exchange and dinner buffet

7:30 – 8:30 Visa company representatives give an introduction of their companies and services provided

8:00 – 9:00 Guided by the host, each company will have a person to answer our pre-collected questions related to visas followed by a Q&A session.

9:00 – 9:30 Free time to exchange contacts, network

 Fee: 200 RMB

(Dinner buffet and name card inclusive)
