China Job Site

China Job Site

Have you given any consideration to the prospect of finding gainful employment in China? Would you be interested in the chance to work in a culture that is completely different …

Hiring Expats In China

Hiring Expats In China

Remember that the language barrier and the lack of local connections might be detrimental if you’re an expat wondering how to enter China’s burgeoning job market. Make sure you know …

Being a Foreign Teacher in China

Being a Foreign Teacher in China

Teaching English in China is the most common and straightforward way for foreigners to make a living in the country. Unlike foreign student visas, which are unavailable during the epidemic, …

Teaching Blunders to Avoid in China

Teaching Blunders to Avoid in China

There are many accounts of scam artists in China and fake schools using the promise of high pay and lavish amenities to entice instructors. After paying astronomical costs and being …

The Best Times to Apply for Teaching Jobs in China

The Best Times to Apply for Teaching Jobs in China

You may be wondering, “What is the greatest job I can obtain if I want to teach in China?” To what extent am I able to negotiate my salary? Please …

Job Market in China

Job Market in China

As Western economies struggle with stagnation and high unemployment rates (7.9% in the US, 11.2% in the EU), an increasing number of expatriates are turning to Mainland China for job …

Freelancing in China

Freelancing in China

If you’re a freelancer in any creative field (be it writing, graphic design, consulting, personal training, or even male modeling), you should familiarize yourself with the realities of working in …

Are Internships in China Worth It?

Are Internships in China Worth It?

My last musing was along the lines of, “Are Americans the new migrant laborers in China?” More than proving a point, I did this to get people to pay attention …

Is Teaching English in China Worthwhile?

Is Teaching English in China Worthwhile?

People who are unable to find work at home and who are interested in experiencing life in another country are increasingly going to nations such as China for employment opportunities. …

How to Get Hired in China

How to Get Hired in China

Before you can get that penthouse room overlooking Pudong, you must pass the interview. If you’re preparing for a job interview in the West or China, keep a few things …
