Doing Business in China

Doing Business in China

When you are looking to really settle into a career in China and enjoy everything that it can bring you, there are going to be a few specifics that you …

Working in China Guide

Working in China Guide

Are you considering a career in the People’s Republic of China? If you wish to work as an expat in China, you’ll find a wide range of options. When you …

Teach English Online to Chinese Students 2024

Teach English Online to Chinese Students 2024

We each have a unique perspective on our professional lives. There are some people who could care less about how they generate money, but the vast majority of people desire …

Chinese for ESL Teachers

Chinese for ESL Teachers

Each year, there is a large spike in the number of people looking for TEFL and ESL teachers to come work in China. If you decide to take one of …

what is the quality of life like in china

what is the quality of life like in china

Does China have a high or poor level of living? How has China’s level of life altered in the last decade? Read on to find out more. Thinking about living …

China Education System

China Education System

The education system in China may best be described as consisting of a rigorous elementary and secondary education, followed by a postsecondary education that is more open to individual creativity. …

What is it like to live in China

What is it like to live in China

What is it like to live in China? When it comes to the cost of living in China, cities, regions and lifestyles all have a role. If you’re planning on …

ESL Teacher Resume

ESL Teacher Resume

Many first-time   find the process of putting together their resumes and putting their best foot forward difficult, particularly when it comes to showcasing their skills in front of prospective employers. …

Chinese business etiquette

Chinese business etiquette

When it comes to conducting business, China is still a great place to be. Whether you like it or not, China’s business culture is something you need to be familiar …

what is life like in china

what is life like in china

Living in China has the same advantages and disadvantages as living everywhere else in the globe. In recent years, the number of foreigners living in China has expanded dramatically, and …
