What is it like to live in China as an American?

What is it like to live in China as an American?

To prepare for my study abroad in Beijing, I spent hours searching the internet and reading every blog I could find about the city. But there were still so many …

How to Find a Job as an English Teacher in China

How to Find a Job as an English Teacher in China

If you are ready to take the leap and look for a job teaching English in China, the following material will offer you with the most effective techniques to go …

Is China accepting foreign teachers?

Is China accepting foreign teachers?

In the year 2022, the requirements for teaching English in China will be straightforward. Unless, of course, they aren’t, which is to say. It is possible that the regulations for …

Finding a Job in China as an Expat

Finding a Job in China as an Expat

Given China’s expanding economy and technical breakthroughs, which attract foreign students and talents from all over the globe to the country, competition for employment opportunities in the country is very …

Negotiating Salary in China

Negotiating Salary in China

Many overseas candidates are anxious about “salary bargaining” because of the cultural and linguistic difficulties. For the most part, they are worried about losing out on significant employment opportunities if …

Teaching In A Primary School In China

Teaching In A Primary School In China

I was reading the internet one day after graduating from university when I came across a blog on teaching in China that I had never seen before. I was intrigued …

What are the benefits of teaching in China?

What are the benefits of teaching in China?

What are the benefits of teaching in China? Is it possible that you are considering relocating to China to live and teach, but you are unsure if the lifestyle and …

How To Enrich You Daily Life When Teaching In China

How To Enrich You Daily Life When Teaching In China

A new situation may be intriguing if you’re willing to go out of your comfort zone and are confident in your ability to quickly overcome any hurdles that may arise. …

How to stay connected with family and friends while teaching in China

How to stay connected with family and friends while teaching in China

Numerous famous social media programs that are popular in Western countries, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, are prohibited or limited in China. Facebook, for example, is blocked in …

Teaching In A Private Language Training Center In China

Teaching In A Private Language Training Center In China

The desire to work as an ESL teacher in a private English training school on the Chinese mainland might be motivated by a range of factors, including financial incentives. Provide …
