Most Hilarious English Signs

Most Hilarious English Signs

We’ve all seen ’em. Hilarious signs with poor English translations. Check out some of our favorites below! We’ve all seen ’em. Hilarious signs with poor English translations. Check out some …

How to Raise a Taobao Pig (Part 2)

How to Raise a Taobao Pig (Part 2)

Last week we posted an article titled “How to Raise a Taobao Pig (Part 1)”. This article intrigued many readers and sparked an interest in the growing ‘Taobao Pig Raising …

Fun Facts about the Year of the Dog

Fun Facts about the Year of the Dog

GuideinChina and wishes all of our followers a very happy Year of the Dog! We hope this new year brings you happiness, prosperity, and love. GuideinChina and wishes …

Dating Western Men in Asia Guide for Western Girls

Dating Western Men in Asia Guide for Western Girls

Asian countries experienced a large influx of foreign expats in the recent years. This article is a personal opinion about several types of male expats you will meet in Asia. …

Phone Zombies: China’s Obsession With Smart Phones

Phone Zombies: China’s Obsession With Smart Phones

According to a German cell phone company study, Chinese spend an average of three hours per day on their smart phones. This makes them the second most smart phone addicted …

Funniest English T-Shirts in China

Funniest English T-Shirts in China

Check out some of the funniest English t-shirts in China We’ve all seem them – the ridiculous English t-shirts in China. Scroll below to see some of the most hilarious …

Subway Smooching: PDA in China

Subway Smooching: PDA in China

Public display of affection, or PDA, sparked heated discussion after controversial posts of canoodling couples on buses and metro coaches went online. Chinese couples often confine display of affection to …

Why Western Men Love Chinese Women

Why Western Men Love Chinese Women

Why Do So Many Western Men Love Chinese Women? We all know the guy whose dating history reads like a page from the Chinese Yellowpages. In fact, if you live …
