Wherever you turn these days, you can’t seem to escape the barrage of conversations touting the huge opportunity for business development manager jobs in China.But with all these articles talking about grabbing the brass ring, no one has yet to discuss what might actually be the average salary for such a position. Today, we’re going to delve into the depths and unlock the mystery of what business development managers make in China.

Business Development Manager Average Salary In China

Understanding  Business Development Manager Average Salary In China

One of the first places to start when trying to gauge the average salary for business development managers in China, is to take a look at the website China Glassdoor.This website provides a database of salary information from anonymously donated comments from readers.By swimming through this data, we can begin to see how much these professionals make.

According to Glassdoor, the average base pay for business development managers in China is staggering, coming in at CNY 149,057 a year.This figure is the average of all those who responded to the survey and indicates that these jobs are paying extremely well.Going down just one more layer, the range of salaries for these professionals, according to Glassdoor, is between CNY 91,638 and CNY 180,912 a year.This shows that opportunities abound for those seeking a business development manager post in China.

Of course, these figures are just the average.Many business development manager positions in China actually pay much more than what Glassdoor suggests.In fact, according to our research, some of the top business development manager jobs in China can pay up to CNY 400,000 a year.Yes, that’s right: CNY 400,000 a year.However, such a high-paying post requires impressive qualifications – usually several years of experience and a degree.Nonetheless, the potential is there and the potential is real.

It’s also worth noting that these salary facts change from province to province across China.After all, no two regions are the same when it comes to wages and salaries.Here’s a quick look at the provinces around China and the salaries paid to business development managers:

1. Beijing: Business development managers in Beijing make an average of CNY 166,434 a year.

2. Shandong: Business development managers in Shandong make an average of CNY 150,000 a year

3. Liaoning: Business development managers in Liaoning make an average of CNY 119,675 a year

4. Hainan: Business development managers in Hainan make an average of CNY 153,281 a year

5. Heilongjiang: Business development managers in Heilongjiang make an average of CNY 94,588 a year

At the same time, it should be noted that the type of business development manager post can also affect the average salary.Some business development manager posts require heavier responsibilities than others.Generally speaking, those positions that require more responsibility will pay more than those that don’t.

Furthermore, the type of experience a business development manager brings to the table also matters.Those with many years of experience and successful records will undoubtedly command higher salaries than those without much of a background.It should also be noted that many business development managers have also achieved success in related fields such as consulting, project management or operations support.Those that come with a history of success in these areas can often command an even higher salary than those noted above.

Benefits of Other Professions for China Business Development Managers

For many business development managers, there are also benefits that they may not be able to find in other rewarding professions.Here are a few advantages that come along with such a post:

1. Job Security – Business development managers tend to stay in their positions for a long time.This means stability and job security.

2. Dynamic Career Path – Unlike many jobs, business development managers have the opportunity to move up in the ranks.With each promotion, the salary will usually increase, making it an attractive opportunity for advancement.

3. Flexibility – The upside of being a business development manager in China is the sheer flexibility of the job.Sheltering from the 9-5 office schedule, business development managers can work in a variety of different fields or industries.

The potential of making high salaries and having the flexibility to choose different work environments is just one of the reasons why many professionals are now taking on business development manager positions in China.With the potential of big payoffs and a well-rounded career, more and more professionals are starting to realize what such a post offers.

Business Development Manager Average Salary In China

When looking at the figures, it’s clear that business development manager salaries in China are quite lucrative.Professionals taking on such a post are not only looking at a financial boost but also getting in on a career that offers flexibility and opportunity. With that being said, it pays to be mindful of where these salaries are coming from and what type of industry a position is attached to. Finding the right job is key to making big money and finding a post that the professional is passionate about is essential.

As the Chinese economy continues to develop, job postings for business development manager positions will only continue to multiply.Those that are skilled and experienced within this industry are in prime position to cash in on the opportunity.We hope this blog has provided an insightful look into the average salary for business development manager positions in China.