Astonishing footage of a 16-year-old and his friends show the group scaling a crane upon a tower in Shenzhen, China.

Astonishing footage of a 16-year-old and his friends show the group scaling a crane upon a tower in Shenzhen, China. 


Climbing: James Sight (pictured) along with his friends scale a crane on top of a 1,300-foot tall building in Shenzhen Photo:Dailymail

The death-defying stunt some 1,300 feet high above ground is just one of many videos posted to the YouTube page of James Sight, an Australian who currently resides in Hong Kong and has over 19,000 followers on Instagram.

Determined to make a career out of rooftopping, the teenager, born in Australia, has quit education and decided to make his hobby a full-time career.  


A sight to behold: The building is currently located in a construction site in Shenzhen, southern China Photo:Dailymail

James’s newest video posted to YouTube on March 28 shows him and a group of base jumpers from Australia climbing up the 1,300-feet-tall China Resource Headquarters in Shenzhen, southern China. 

The video has had over 5,000 views.  


‘Feeling like i’m winning’: He says he felt happy after climbing the building in Shenzhen after two failed attempts Photo:Dailymail

He felt mainly happy during the climbing process: ‘The main emotion I felt was happiness, I had the biggest feeling of success and winning.

‘I had actually gone to this construction site in Shenzhen twice and had failed both times. The first time the crane was locked and we couldn’t open it. The second time, the weather was severe and we couldn’t climb.

‘So when I finally made it to the top and got to do it with my awesome friends, it was an amazing feeling and experience. I didn’t even think about the possible trouble or falling as I was so happy.’ 

Some of the group then basejumped from the top of the building.  


The group scaled the China Resource Headquarters in Shenzhen, southern China Photo:Dailymail

James was born in Melbourne, Australia and moved to many countries around Asia when he was younger due to his family’s work. He settled in Finland for two years with his mum and his sister before moving to Hong Kong to live with his dad. 

It was in Hong Kong where he discovered his love of extreme videography and photography.


Stunning views: The teenager currently resides in Hong Kong with his father but has lived in various locations in the past Photo:DailyMail

The adventurer has climbed hundreds of towers but still has some goals he would like to achieve: ‘I would love to climb the Shanghai Tower which is the second tallest building in the world. I would also love to climb the Shard in London too.’ 

Despite the dangerous hobby, James says his family are supportive albeit a little scared by what he does. 

He says: ‘My family are all over the world so I have to Skype them about what i’m doing and stuff. My mum thinks it’s pretty cool that i’m able to market it and make a name for myself, my dad too, but I know it scares them.’


Life up high: James says his family are supportive albeit nervous about what he does for a living Photo:Dailymail

‘This is a selfish thing to do, so is base jumping as the Aussies who I went with agree but ironically my dad always told me that before you can worry about making others happy, it’s your job to make yourself happy and no one else can do it for you.’ 

James runs a YouTube channel called ILLSIGHT which aims to bring viewers a variety of content. He also posts to his own Facebook page. Aged just 16, he quit his education to pursue his career on YouTube and other social media. The content on his site so far is based on him climbing structures around the world. 

He says he first started out small: ‘I was only going to the roofs of residential or hotel buildings. I started upping my game after I climbed the construction site of the New World Centre in Hong Kong which I was arrested for. 
