Founded in 2014 and based out of Hong Kong, HiredChina is a young company that was established with the goal of not only matching expats with Chinese companies, but also as a source for exchanging cultures and ideas between locals and expats be they…

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Founded in 2014 and based out of Hong Kong, HiredChina is a young company that was established with the goal of not only matching expats with Chinese companies, but also as a source for exchanging cultures and ideas between locals and expats be they in or outside of China.

HiredChina 在华外国人才网(深圳市四海汇聚有限公司),成立于2014年总部位于香港,是一家年轻有活力的公司。我们的目标不仅是为国内企业寻找高质素的外籍人士,也是当地人和外国人之间交换文化和思想的重要桥梁。

Not Just a Website!

HiredChina is more than just a website, we are made up of a multicultural team that helps to bridge the gap between Eastern and Western ideas to help expats kick off their careers in China. We also participate in local events and host our own expat job fairs:

我们由一个多元文化团队组成,有助于弥合东西方文化思想之间的差距,从而帮助外国人在中国开展职业生涯。 在华外国人才网也曾经主办规模空前的外籍人员招聘会:

2017 Expatriates Employment Forum & Job Fair in Shenzhen with over 500 interested participants, promoters and attendees HiredChina hit the home run of job fairs held in China.

2016 Expat JobFairs in Shenzhen with over 1,000 participants and company booths

 2016 October Expat Job Fairs in Shenzhen with over 500 participants and company booth. 在华外国人才网,不仅是一个网站 在华外国人才网由一个多元文化团队组成,有助于弥合东西方文化思想之间的差距,从而帮助外国人在中国开展职业生涯。 在华外国人才网也曾经主办我们自己的外籍人员招聘会:

2017年在深圳的国际人才境内就业专场论坛及招聘会, 有超過500多人及公司展位, 赞助商参加。


2016年于深圳举办的外国人才招聘会,超过1000多人及公司展位参加, 而同年10月于深圳举办的外国人才招聘会,也超过500多人及公司展位参參與。

Come say hi to us at one of our many events!

 What Makes Us

HiredChina is made up of both and 

Our HiredChina site and platform allows companies and job seekers to easily find each other through want ads posted on our site. 

While GuideinChina is our platform for posting info, news, and guides to making life easier in China. With these platforms and our teams in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, we can elevate your career in China to the next level!


HiredChina在华外国人才网 由 和 www.GuideinChina.com组合而成。


而GuideinChina微信公众平台, 用来发布尔日常信息,新闻,并且指引外国人, 让他们可以在中国生活得更加轻松便利。通过这些平台及我们在香港和深圳的团队,我们可以将为您在中国的职业生涯提升到另一个新阶段!

 banner-small.jpg (在华外国人才网) specializes in providing foreign talents the best career opportunities available around China. We offer exciting and challenging positions for talents around the world.From experienced professionals to students, we are confident that each foreign talent will find ideal positions from our fast growing job database. (在华外国人才网)是我们的招聘求职网站,企业可免费注册并发布招聘外国员工的职位信息;外国求职者可免费在线申请各类职位岗位。我们的职位数据库及人才简历库有超过万条有效职位信息和精准人才简历,是中国最专业的外国人求职招聘网站。

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~ Get Hired In China Start From HiredChina  

开启中国求职之旅, 一切尽在“Hiredchina.com在华外国人才网 ” ~

GuideinChina is one of the most influential official WeChat accounts in Mainland China with more than 150,000 followers. GuideinChina is a platform for local firms to promote their brands or products to expats. In order to support expats’ daily living in China, GiC welcomes business cooperation aiming to providing better services to our target followers.

GuideinChina 是中国最有影响力的微信公众号之一,拥有超过180000的用户;GuideinChina作为支持外国人在中国工作生活的服务平台,致力于推广与此相关的产品和服务,欢迎志同道合的企业及组织前来合作。


~ Live like a local with Guide In China 

像当地人一样生活 ~ 



tel.png (86) 0755 21654992


home-circle-blue-256.pngRm 20A,Blk A, No.102 Technology Building II, 1057 Nanhai Main Road, Shekou Street, Nanshan District , Shenzhen, China.

