Working In China As An American

How To Working In China As An American

The best way to Working In China As An American is through contacts working for companies in China that may need people like you. If you don't have such connections, then the easiest way to find a job is through the internet. There are many job boards in China.

What are the best jobs to work in China as an American

Engineers and technicians

Chinese universities produce six to eight times as many engineers and technicians a year as the United States. Why is the demand for foreign engineers so large in China?

In fact, it is very difficult for Chinese universities and companies to train engineers and technicians in emerging fields or in highly specialized fields. For example, clean energy, cars, oil and gas and so on. So engineers with experience in these fields are very valuable for Chinese companies, and the specific value is reflected in their experience and higher practical ability than those of the same working age.

Although engineers and technicians in the United States has been a good career, but if they move to China, they can develop better.


In the United States, teachers may not earn much money, but China is different. China has the most demand for teachers, especially English teachers, no matter in high-end big cities or third tier small cities. For a foreign teacher with a pure accent, the demand is only growing and the treatment is good. There are two kinds of teachers that Americans can do in China. One is an English teacher, and the other is a professional teacher with higher requirements.

English teachers are basically the first job that every American comes to China, but although there is a large demand in China, the demand is also high. In the past, they might have been hired with a high salary with a foreigner's face, but now foreigners with experience and a TOEFL or IELTS license are more popular. Such foreign teachers in an ordinary language center may be paid twice or more than Chinese teachers.

Not to mention professional teachers, many domestic and international schools need teachers who can not only speak English, but also teach various subjects in English. The same is true of universities, and some high-end graduate programs are all taught in English. So English is the first language, and Americans with professional expertise are teachers in China. It's going to be great later.


Now China is in rapid development, and a large part of the development is based on the network. However, China's network system is not the same as the world's, so in order to connect with the world, some large companies like to invite foreign professional IT personnel educated in the United States.

Alibaba, the Chinese version of Amazon, Yahoo and eBay in the eyes of Americans, hired a whole team of American it elites, designers and marketing personnel to explore overseas markets.

Finally, the most popular reason for American IT workers is English! Because the global common language of computer science is English, American IT personnel who are skilled in clinker and English as their mother tongue have become the talents for major companies.


If you are American, or good at your own job, you can do the above jobs. But to do sales requires you to be good at your job and at the same time understand Chinese culture and become a China expert. Although it's difficult, but the return is also great.

China's sales personnel flow very fast. They usually change soon after they work. So there are many opportunities. Especially in China's big cities, many people want to invest overseas, which means that foreign sales personnel can obtain considerable profits in the Chinese market.

So if they are experienced real estate agents or investment brokers, then China can provide them with extremely attractive opportunities. But if you want to buy a Chinese thing, you need to understand the Chinese culture and routines, so not every American can do it, but it is very attractive for those who have the ability.