China's economic policies are opening up to the world, it is undoubtedly one of the world's fastest growing economies, if not the fastest. The exchange of people between the country and the rest of the world is increasing. As a result, China offers some good jobs to Americans who want to live and work abroad.

Most popular jobs in China for Americans

If you are an American who is willing to step out of your comfort zone, explore the world and build a good career for yourself, then China offers quite a few opportunities.There is a growing demand for all kinds of jobs, including business professionals, teachers, creatives, and technical and engineers.

Despite the undeniable fact that all these professions are popular and can be quite profitable, but the ability of local Chinese to master English is very important to their educational opportunities and career aspirations.Therefore, one of the hottest jobs for Americans in China is to become an English teacher.

Benefits of Teaching Jobs In China

The cost of living in China is certainly much lower than in the United States. Therefore, if you become a teacher in China and have a good lifestyle, you can usually save some considerable money before going back to the United States, which has a lot of benefits for you.

Another advantage for Americans looking for a job in China is that they can easily travel within China and nearby Asian countries during the holidays. Imagine you just get on a plane for a long weekend in Thailand, spend NY holiday in Bali, Indonesia, or take a trip to India or Nepal. For many Americans, finding a job in China is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to easily explore far-flung parts of the world.

Teaching Jobs in China International Schools

If you have a formal teaching qualification and an undergraduate degree, 1st tire cities’ international and bilingual schools often offer even better packages and a wider range of subjects. These cater both to local and expat children (although largely the former). Your pay offer should increase if you hold any further qualifications – possibly the only time you’ll be able to cash in on that sociology MA.

Starting salaries at this level should be at least 20,000rmb per month plus allowances; most schools provide at least medical insurance (check the level of cover), housing, shipping and flights, plus school lunches of varying quality.

In international schools, you’ll likely be teaching to another country’s curriculum. All teachers need to be aware of key aspects of the Chinese system, things are different from exams to administration. There’s also a very different culture and schedule in Chinese schools. The days are comparatively long: most schoolteachers are expected to be on campus from at least 8am until 4pm, but some contracts will require you to stay much later. This means six or seven lessons per day at high school level.