About 20 million AI-equipped CCTV cameras have been installed in China. This type of technology can be used to identify a person’s age, gender and even clothing.

About 20 million AI-equipped CCTV cameras have been installed in China. This type of technology can be used to identify a person’s age, gender and even clothing.


China claimed to have the world’s most advanced security system with 20 million CCTV cameras across the country Photo: dailymail.co.uk

The camera system is part of China’s anti-corruption program, known as the ‘Sky Net’ operation, mainly used to track down fugitives.

This type of technology can be used to identify a person’s age, gender and the color of their clothes, which can be used to help the police search for criminals.  A number of boxes pop up next to a person with details regarding their age, gender, and clothing colors.


QQ截图20170926124137.pngPhoto: Screen Shot of Video

The technology can also be used with vehicles, identifying the vehicle’s make and color. K618.cn reported that the scanning of pedestrians used computer vision technology in order to pinpoint any pedestrians on the road.

It utilized GPS tracking and facial recognition to help police services to locate criminals on the run.  A notification is sent to the police if the recognition software matches any criminals in the database.


QQ截图20170926125327.pngIt can provide gps tracking and facial recognition to help locating criminals on the loose  Photo: dailymail.co.uk

According to Bloomberg News, Operation ‘Sky Net’ was launched in 2015 as the government aimed to hunt down corrupt fugitive officials, cracking down on underground banks and confiscating misappropriated assets. It has now extended its operation to catch fugitives in local communities across China.

In April, China started to use facial recognition software to catch jaywalkers in Shenzhen. Photographs of offenders are instantly uploaded and displayed on a roadside LED screen. The new surveillance system had stirred controversy in citizens who fear the technology will be used to monitor their daily lives.

QQ截图20170926122558.pngPhoto: asiaone.com

‘Why are there so many child abductors around if the Sky Net is really working?’ wrote web user xianzaihe_89.

‘We don’t have any privacy any more under the watch of the Chinese government!’ said web user neidacongmin.


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