Undoubtedly, China is one of the oldest civilizations amalgamated with a lot of unsolved mysteries. The archaeologists have discovered many astounding places and objects which stimulate the wanderlust of many tourists who like to visit historical place

Interesting Information for travelers ~  Undoubtedly, China is one of the oldest civilizations amalgamated with a lot of unsolved mysteries. Archaeologists discovered many astounding places and objects which stimulate the wanderlust of many tourists who like to visit historical. He helpful for those who are planning their next mysterious vacation.


Photo: dallasobserver.com

Taklamakan Desert

It‘s the largest and also desert situated in the western region of China and it is also described as the world’s second largest shifting-sand desert expanding over an area of 13,000 square miles. Many valuable prehistoric remnants are buried deep under the Taklamakan desert. Archaeologists are starting to reveal many secrets that have been concealed in this exciting area. Been catering to the attention of foreigners tourists who can’t wait to see what historic item are uncovered next.

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Panxian Cave

In Chinese, it is called Panxian dadong, the literal translation being is “Big cave”. This site is archaeological and paleontological in nature and it is situated high up at the border of a Karst tower. A gigantic ingress portal is easily seen from far distance. The cave is comprises of almost 20 meters of sediment with abundant animal bones and stone artifacts.


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Huashan Caves

These astounding caves are located in the eastern suburbs of Tunxi, a district in the city of Huangshan, the Anhui province. There are 36 caves found in the foot of the Flower Hill. Extending some 5 kilometers along the hillside. The caves’ interiors display evidence of having been hand carved. Archaeologists assume that these caves were for food storage, military troops shelters, or even for execution. Within these caves, many huge stones, with age old  carvings have been uncovered signifying the importance to continue exploration.


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Hongshan Culture Artifacts

The enigmatic, primordial artifacts of Hongshan vanished thousands of years ago, leaving behind Jade figurines that can be appreciate today. Remarkably, some of these jade figures are very alien-like and look as though they were created out of this world. Hongshan cultural artifacts of ancient China. Hongshan citizens worshiped dragons which you can see expressed in the design of their jade artifacts, but for some – it’s hard to tell from where their inspiration was dram.


Photo: Internet

Ancient Magical Mirrors

The originating roots of primordial Chinese “magical” mirrors are still unknown today. 1,200 years ago, the elusive Record of Ancient Mirrors held the secrets to the mirrors and their puzaling structures. Even though this book had been missing for a thousand years the mirrors are still a huge attraction for local and foreign tourists alike.

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