Chinese Canteen’s Orange Pork Recipe Tempts Thousands Online

A recipe for orange pork that is being served in a university canteen in central China has received thousands of likes on the nation’s social media.

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The recipe calls for steaming a minced pork, celery and carrot mixture under an egg.  Photo: SCMP

The recipe covers finely minced pork with an egg in a hollowed orange peel, then steams it before sprinkling the dish with fish sauce, the Chongqing Morning Post reported.

The recipe, which was published on the Weibo microblog of the No. 2 Canteen of Hunan University in Changsha, quickly went viral online, receiving more than 2,000 likes on the website and being widely reported by mainland media.

It is not the first time chefs from the canteen have published unusual recipes.



They have previously shared recipes for fried strawberries and fried bananas.



Commenting on the orange pork recipe, an internet user wrote, “This could be a great dish for a summer day with orange steamed meat plus the fresh flavour of orange peel.

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“Or we could put a mint leaf on it,” the commenter added.



The recipe is simple: Mince pork, celery and carrot and mix. Cut the top from an orange and remove the flesh.

Fill one-third of the orange skin with the pork mixture and break an egg over the top.

Steam for 15 minutes then add fish sauce before serving.