Life abroad is wonderful… most of the time. You know there will be challenges, like learning a new language, but other problems might catch you by surprise.

Life abroad is wonderful… most of the time. You know there will be challenges, like learning a new language, but other problems might catch you by surprise.


Some expats spend their days posting selfies of themselves sunbathing and tweeting about their amazing lifestyle. But others are a little more honest about the negative sides of life overseas … here are the top 13 moans.

1 – It might take you a little while to adjust to living in a different time zone. More than a little while in fact.


2 – Meanwhile things just don’t taste the way they ought to.


3 – And you will find it hard to find the simplest things in the supermarket.


4 – Whatever it is that you really crave, you can be sure you won’t be able to buy it in your adopted country.


5 – Your friends at home will judge you for stuff that is just a normal part of life where you live – like having hired help around the house.


6 – If only those friends understood how tough life can be. First, there is the nightmare of dating in a place where half the people you meet plan on leaving pretty soon.


7 – And when people visit from home, they are almost guaranteed to bring some kind of lurgy that you’ve lost all immunity to.


8 – Life far away from home also means you have to do a lot of forward planning – or face the consequences if you’re prone to procrastination.


9 – Meanwhile simply getting through the day can be a challenge when everything is back to front and upside down.


10 – Just communicating with those around you can be an uphill struggle.


11 – You’ll soon find your visa has run out. And you will waste hours of your life queuing to renew it.



12 – Taking a holiday may not turn out to be the relaxing experience you’d hoped for.


13 – And the good news is that just as soon as you’ve cracked the local lingo, you’ll realise you’ve forgotten your own.14.png

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