Even though it is home to only two million people, (as compared to the whopping 24 million inhabitants of Shanghai) I still end up joining a long queue to get a day’s groceries; and yet there’s literally so many empty buildings all over town.


Even though it is home to only two million people, (as compared to the whopping 24 million inhabitants of Shanghai) I still end up joining a long queue to get a day’s groceries; and yet there’s literally so many empty buildings all over town.


Photo: Internet

Really!?? No Carl’s Junior? Oh hell no! Burger King too? Nah, that’ messed up. But let’s look at the flip side where taxi fare is so low, and prices for groceries, clothes and rent is super cheap as compared to that of bigger cities and its only 15 minutes by high speed rail away from a metropolitan city the size of Nanjing. There’s really not much going on here, but instead of grumbling about all the necessities that this city lacks, I rather decided to appreciate the little beautiful gems it does have.

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My city may not be any different from all the other little cities scattered throughout China. Cities like mine, you are sure to have a hard time searching online for solid information on it but that won’t stop me from being a pacesetter in disseminating some worthy details about it.

By now, you may be wondering, what city at all could this be? Ever heard of Ma’anshan City, Anhui Province? Exactly!

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On several corners there are grocery stores, Suguo Supermarkets, and/or Chinese styled fast food joints. I bet the park in your city is not as magnificent as ours! Then there’s the restaurants and clothing stores- none of which I don’t know much about, thanks to the fact that my city is small enough to never overlook even a newly opened store.

 My favourite things to do here in Ma’anshan are not much but apparently, it seems to be on the list of many other foreigners that made it to Ma’anshan so they are worth recommending to others.



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I don’t think I will ever forget the night markets here in Ma’anshan. They are the night markets of luck! I say this because you can walk in a night market and find a brand new Michael Kors wallet one day for only 15 yuan, and then on your next visit, a dead weird crispy-looking bug in the window welcomes you to the same shop and market that now sells Jimmy Choos for a price you might as well pay in dollars. It is never a constant bargain but we appreciate the presence of these four night markets.



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When driving by “The Voice” close to Yushan  Park, you might pass Love Boat, and you may also wonder, like everyone else, whether that small building is a restaurant or a massage parlor. And the marvel won’t end there. After you have had your share of their full chicken, French fries and a jug of beer, you will then wonder how this joint managed to hide away from the rest of the world. Either ways, I’m excited that it chose my city as the perfect hideout!



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If you are planning a random trip to Ma’anshan anytime soon, don’t forget to pass through this chic bar where foreigners are allowed to play any music of their choice, with locals singing and dancing to it; and that’s not even the best part of this place- aside the cool ambience and vibrant setting, the bartenders make it a point, even to the level of responsibility, to remember every customer’s name. Then there’s the part where you are literally given the chance to mix your own cocktails. Basically, this bar is the place where you make your night happen. One specialty of Hutongli Bar is their unforgettable, big-worded cocktails that gets you turned up in the most indescribable way.



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I don’t know about your city, but the pizza hut in Ma’anshan is a go to location for foreigners and locals alike. Over here, Pizza hut has a bit of everything worth trying. From BBQ, to shrimp, to salads, to some of the greatest desserts. Pizza Hut is the only pizzeria here that I can guarantee that what you see is actually what you get. I think that is a result of the employees who pay very close attention to detail. For other options, we have KFC and McDonalds to check out.



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Everyone goes crazy for Starbucks, myself included, but Starbucks has got nothing on the treasure that is Coffee Wings. Whether you prefer to take coffee or tea, Coffee Wings has it all. Right in the middle of Main Street, the small cafe has a large tea selection, and many different types of coffee as well. The creaky old steps leading up to what used to be a hotel, emits an atmosphere that makes this coffee shop comforting. The coffee is undeniably fantastic and their chai tea latte is possibly my favorite beverage. The exposed brick walls in the rustic and cozy building, and shelves filled with magazines and books, makes it one of the  most welcoming  and lovely locations in Ma’anshan. You genuinely could spend hours in that coffee shop. It has both western styled and Chinese styled cuisine with coffee and tea.




Photo: Internet

Aside all these mentioned cool hangouts, Ma’anshan can boast of hole-in-the-wall restaurants, random eateries, a jazz bar, and hotpot restaurants. Inasmuch as Ma’anshan is a small city, I believe that it deserves for tourists to know about it, as well as other small cities in China. If you would like your small yet magnificent city to be featured,


Please do not hesitate to comment below on where you reside now. And who knows, we will help you let the whole world know that your city, no matter how small it may be, is your paradise on earth.
