Starting from Guangzhou immigration office, they strictly check the tax payment and the running of a company when releasing work visa and work visa extension. Even you get the work visa, they may further check your company, it seems to there is a trend on

Starting from Guangzhou immigration office, they strictly check the tax payment and the running of a company when releasing work visa and work visa extension. Even you get the work visa, they may further check your company, it seems to there is a trend on tightening the release of work visa.

Work Visa May Get Revoked 

If your company fails their further investigation, your work visa may get revoked. Here is a case:


A foreigner got his work visa and residence in April this year, but his passport was taken by the immigration office recently, the officer just left him a receipt and told him to wait for further informed. What happened here?

Actually, the immigration office has already been to his company to have an investigation before, the officers found out it’s a crappy office without any desk and the door was even closed. A week is already passed until now, but he still not yet get informed.

Though we don’t know what kind of applicants will be investigated by the immigration office, there are certain important things you should prepare for the unexpected investigation.

Pay Attention to The Following

1.  Your Company Legally Pays Tax 

For a company, which has set up for at least half of a year, the immigration office will check its tax payment record when its foreign staff applying for a work visa or work visa extension. If your company didn’t pay it, we suggest you contact your consultant to pay it back and have a tax payment plan for the future.


2.  Provide True Information

Systems between governments are connected after the reform of “five certificates in one”. Your tax payment record in the local Taxation Bureau is shared by the immigration office. Though they still request you to provide a paper, just to have a test on your honesty. Same for other information you provide, they always have ways to check on it, so it’s not smart to take a risk on that.

3.  Pick Up Calls From Immigration

The immigration office randomly gives a call to certain applicants’ company to ask for further information, to know more details about the company’s business and how it is running. You have to make sure there is always someone SMART to pick up the phone of your company.


Here we provide some questions the immigration office always asked in the past:

Common Questions

⊙ How many staff is there of your company?

Where are your clients from?

Are your clients in China?

When your clients start a one-day working?

What’s the major business of your company?

How many foreigners are there in your company?

Are there any foreigners working at the office now?

How many desks are there in your company?

What is the address of your company?

How many foreigners in your company applied for the work visa?

Once you are required to go to the immigration office to “have a talk”, we suggest you also bring some photos of your company, which include:

1. The photo of your office building, which shows the address plate.


2. The photo of your office, outside.


3. The photo of your office, inside. 


If you need HK Company Registration and HK Company Audit help, you may find the below information helpful.

