Salaries for purchasing managers in other countries have long been a source of fascination. Given China’s emergence as a major economic power, this includes exploring prospective salaries in the region. This blogpost seeks to educate those interested in the prospect of becoming a China-based purchasing manager of the approximate salary they can expect.

Purchasing Manager Average Salary In China

What is a Purchasing Manager Average Salary In China , And What Responsibilities Do They Have?

A purchasing manager is tasked with myriad responsibilities aimed at ensuring the efficient procurement of goods. This includes responsibilities such as selecting product suppliers, negotiating contracts with suppliers, and overseeing the distribution of the goods once they have been purchased. It is also a managerial role, often requiring supervising other team members such as buyers. Hence, a purchasing manager’s job involves both administrative and managerial duties.

The stipend of acquisition superintendents in China is typically giving in consideration of a mediocrity of approximately 120,000 CNY. Whilst Shanghai attains a median paycheck over slightly greater than available in other illustrious cities, similar to Guangzhou and Shenzhen, which falls through averaging to 110,000 CNY. Beijing follows closely at a mediocrity of 130,000 CNY.

Salary Increases Based on Experience

Purchasing managers with more experience tend to command higher salaries. This is to be expected as more experience apt translates into better performance in terms of supply chain management. Experienced purchasing managers in China can command annual salaries in the range of 160,000 – 210,000 CNY. In cities like Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, experienced purchasing managers earn in the range of 190,000 – 210,000 CNY, while in more rural locations even experienced purchasing managers typically earn less than 150,000 CNY per year.

Salary For Foreigners, Compared to Local People

Foreigners are often employed as purchasing managers in China, and in most cases they are paid more than local counterparts. This is mainly due to the perceived greater level of expertise that employers anticipate foreigners will possess, along with the language advantage they offer. Generally speaking, foreign purchasing managers in China can expect an average salary in the range of the 190,000 – 250,000 CNY per annum. This range is slightly better than the median salary of localemployees, with some experienced foreign purchasing managers making looks of up to 300,000 CNY per annum.

Purchasing Manager Average Salary In China

Salary Negotiation Process

Given the importance of the position, employers typically conduct a rigorous recruitment and selection process before appointing a purchasing manager. This includes a thorough review of the candidate’s background, as well as more practical skills-based assessments such as basic supply chain and logistics tests. Once an employer has selected a preferred candidate, they will often enter into a salary negotiation process. Due to the tight competition in the market for qualified purchasing managers, salaries can often be negotiated up slightly.

A plethora of contributory components can be attributed to the compensation of purchasing managers. These can comprise tangible constituents, for instance the magnitude of the concern, the spatial position of the duty, and the quantity of years experience the opposition possesses, to nebulous elements such as the caliber of the contestant’s affiliation, their verbal dexterity, and their competence to haggle proficiently.