Video footage has captured the rescue of a boy left dangling headfirst 20 feet above the ground after falling over the side of an escalator in Chongqing, China on June 24.

Video footage has captured the rescue of a boy left dangling headfirst 20 feet above the ground after falling over the side of an escalator in Chongqing, China on June 24.


Photo:Chongqing evening news

According to onlookers, the child was left unattended by his parents.

The child had fallen from the side of an escalator and landed on a small platform with its head dangling 20 feet above the ground. The boy got his feet jammed between the side of the escalator and a glass panel.

Onlookers can be heard shouting and panicking in the footage.

Upon seeing the child hanging over the edge, a man in a grey shirt climbed over a barrier and balanced on a small ledge measuring some four inches (10 centimetres) wide.

And the man several attempts to try and grab hold of the child.

An onlooker grabs the back of his shirt for extra security.

The man then pulls the child up by its ankles. Onlookers help pull the child back over the barrier.

