Is it considered taboo to get a tattoo in China? At first, you may believe this. Considering China’s conservative attitude, it’s understandable why some individuals assume getting a tattoo there is impossible. The situation has changed, though.

Can you work as an English teacher with a tattoo?

China isn’t an exception when it comes to the growth of tattoo culture. As a result of cultural exchange with the West, Chinese individuals begin to see tattoos as a form of self-expression.

Explore Can you work as an English teacher with a tattoo?

Ink is becoming more popular among Chinese adolescents.

Tier-1 cities have a disproportionately high number of tattooed young adults. People in that region are more accepting of tattoo culture because they are more accepting.

However, in tiny towns and villages, people have a distinct relationship with tattoo ink. This is no longer as crucial as it once was, though.

Can someone with tattoos work as a teacher in China?

No doubt, however there are a few considerations to bear in mind.

Do you prefer living in the city or the country?

The location where you’ll be teaching is critical in the first place. Cities, as previously said, are more accepting of young people with tattoos.

Tattoo culture is certainly thriving in Shanghai more than anywhere else in China.

Tattoo parlors proliferate all throughout the city, and the number of individuals visiting them is increasing daily.

As a result, people in Shanghai are no longer astonished to see someone with a tattoo while wandering across the city.

People in other Chinese cities, such as Beijing and Guangzhou, are increasingly becoming used to tattoos.

Rural regions, on the other hand, are a different story.

People, there has a harder time keeping up with contemporary trends. As a result, they have a conservative view of tattoos.

What do you prefer, going to school or going to university?

When it comes to appointing a tattooed instructor, the educational institution has a say as well.

Inevitably, there are restrictions specific to each school, and those rules may or may not coincide with those set by the government. Most schools will recruit tattooed instructors if they have excellent professional and personal abilities, but this is not always the case.

Tattooed individuals may have a more difficult time finding employment in academic institutions. As an institution’s level rises, so do the expectations for its personnel.

Even if you get a position at a university, you’ll have to cover up any tattoos that are clearly visible on your body.


When it comes to these organizations, things might be different depending on who you ask. On the one hand, your children won’t be able to see your tattoos since you can cover them up with clothing.

Parents in China, on the other hand, may be less than pleased with a foreign instructor who has visible tattoos.

The reason is that they’ll have to deal with their children’s inquiries regarding tattooed school officials. For parents who believe in the status quo, this might be problematic.

As a result, if you want to teach in a Chinese kindergarten, talk to the administration ahead of time about the matter.

Which comes first, the shoulder or the arm?

Remember where your tattoo is before you start worrying about it being in China.

If it’s on an area of the body that’s constantly covered by clothing, don’t be alarmed. You don’t even have to tell your boss about it since no one will ever see it.

Any tattoos on your arms or legs that can’t be covered up by clothing should be discussed with your boss.

Every time you enter the classroom, you should expect to be requested to cover up any tattoos that are clearly visible. However, your tattooed bodily parts may be unnoticed by certain institutions.

There are several kind of tattoos that are considered forbidden in China.

Tattoos are no longer considered “taboo” in Chinese culture. There was a time when it was for two major reasons:

Religion. In China, people have a strong belief in the sacredness of human life. According to Confucian tradition, people must return their bodies to the earth in the same condition as when they were born.

Crime. Tattoos are typically connected with criminality in China, as well as many other places throughout the globe.

The inclusion of tattoos to the punishment of criminals in ancient China made it clear to the public that they were in jail.

However, these ideas have become out of date and no longer have as much of an impact on daily life as they used to.

Chinese tattoos are seen as a form of self-expression by young people.

Ink may serve as a particular memento for certain individuals.

Symbols and graphics on your body that might lead to misunderstanding between you and Chinese people are as follows.

The fourth position

This number has the same pronunciation as the word ‘death,’ in Chinese. It’s understandable why many in China disapprove.

The following number has been assigned to you:

This is another another unpopular Chinese number. Despite the fact that it has no connection to a terrible occurrence, the term nonetheless has an awful ring to it. As a result, the pronunciation is avoided by the Chinese population. Also, nothing like this will be sold in stores at this price.

Can you work as an English teacher with a tattoo?

Words that are not positive

Words like “death,” “break,” and “poor” fall within this category. On certain occasions, such as New Year’s, Chinese people avoid using these terms out of caution so as not to offend anybody.

Consequently, people may believe that a person who is inked with these phrases would be cursed.

Ghosts Generally speaking, ghosts produce no good in any nation. For the Chinese, the terrifying entities are ghosts.

On holidays, it is strictly prohibited to tell ghost tales. Going outdoors at night is a dangerous idea since you never know when you’ll run across a ghost.