It’s not always legal to Teach English In China No Degree, and it’s not without risk (although it’s common). Let’s unpack the details of how it works and how to keep an eye out for the right job for you.

Teach English In China No Degree

Are you still able to get a visa?

In my opinion, the biggest risk for those teaching in China without a degree is not having the correct visa – as we stated in the Visa Requirements section As discussed, you need a Z visa to teach legally in China. However, in order to obtain a Z visa, you must meet a strict set of requirements, and usually, this includes a 4-year degree. Because of this, most jobs that don’t require a degree will give you a tourist or business visa – again, this is not uncommon! , but it’s a risk.

If the school can get you a Z visa, it’s much easier, but still, be careful and make sure it’s for you and your school (and not other branches, etc.).

Be persistent in your job search

There are a large number of English language schools in China that offer hundreds of ESL jobs every day. Many English language schools in China are happy to hire native English speakers without a degree. Be persistent in your search for schools that can hire people without a four-year degree. Also, be sure to do your research – don’t just blindly jump into any school that makes you an offer. If you can, read up on internet forums about the school. Ask for contact information for any previous teachers and ask about their experience. Be careful if the school doesn’t give you the resources to do your research. Keep searching. There are many schools in China.

Complete ESL Teacher Training

Many TEFL or TESOL certification programs will require you to have at least a bachelor’s degree at the time of enrollment. However, there are other certification programs that do not require any degree, but still provide comprehensive training, support, and proof of completion. These certifications will go a long way in helping you find ESL jobs in China.

Advantages of Teach English In China No Degree

The clear proof of teaching without a degree is saving money. Not having to lose yourself in endless student loans and setting out with your native language skills means you can earn more money. Another benefit of teaching is that it saves a lot of time. Let’s say you want to get into teaching in China as soon as possible, but think you’ll have to wait another 4 years after you get your degree, and 4 years is a long time.

Disadvantages of Teach English In China No Degree

One of the biggest drawbacks to teaching without a degree is the limited opportunities available to you. If you lack a four-year degree, there will be fewer schools that will hire you and you will likely make less money. You will have to contact schools directly because if you go through a third-party agency, you will likely have to show proof of your degree. Agencies have their own pros and cons, but they can be incredibly helpful in helping you find a teaching job overseas! .

Teach English In China No Degree

Is it worth it?

Only you can answer that question for yourself. It’s easier to find a job in China than in any other country because of the Chinese restrictions on native English speakers’ The demand is high. There are many teachers who have jumped into the world of teaching English as a second language without a degree and have found success. As with every job, fully research your options and talk to previous teachers to ensure that you will be working at a reputable School teaching and come home with positive reviews at the end of your time abroad.