At present, China is still one of the most popular English teaching places abroad. Maybe many teachers who have worked there tell you how good it is to work in China. Not to mention that this is a top-notch TEFL destination to save money. You can spend money on anything you want, such as traveling around the world!

Can Go China

Unfortunately, teaching English in China seems to have gained a bad reputation recently, but don’t let it make you miss out on what this top English teaching destination offers. If you dream of teaching English in China but worry about safety, don’t do it! You just need to be smart and know how to do it the right way.

Who Can Go China to teach English?

Therefore, although the recent political tensions in China have been the headlines, and there are reports that foreigners in China have bad experiences, it is important to look at things correctly. It’s possible that you’ve just heard some negative stories because they’re more likely to be news. On the other hand, positive reports have not received so much attention from the media, nor written so frequently on the Internet.

So, like any overseas teaching destination, it is necessary to conduct research before accepting the teaching work in China. A little knowledge of local laws, customs, and best practices in English teaching will help you ensure that your overseas experience is positive. The most important thing to remember is to always be flexible and open to other cultures.

In order for you to start learning, we have collected our top-level safety advice. As an English teacher living in China, please remember this. Let’s take a look at some of the techniques first, and then go deeper.

How about going to work in China? Is it safe?

Work in a famous school.

Have a proper work visa.

Don’t teach on the side.

Comply with local laws (especially on drugs).

Keep abreast of the government’s recommendations.

Find a job in a famous school in China.

When you do English teaching research in China, one of your biggest fears is that you may not get paid. That’s why it’s important to find credible schools and jobs from a credible source, such as the Teaching Council. It’s like anything: if it looks too good to be true, it’s probably true. So trust your intuition. If someone offers you job opportunities to teach in China through social media (especially Facebook), this may be a dangerous signal that cannot be ignored.

Can Go China

It’s no secret that some teachers have had negative experiences in Chinese schools in the past. That’s why applying for the exploration program is a good choice. You can rest assured that the recruitment experts of the program will guide you through the application and visa process of finding teaching work in China.

But the best way to really make sure you get a job with a trusted employer is to ask the right questions during an interview and read your employment contract carefully before signing it.

What smart questions should you ask when interviewing someone for a teaching job in China (or other countries)?

Can I get in touch with my present teacher? (most well-known schools provide email contact information.)

Can I see some photos or (ideally) videos of accommodation? (this only applies if the contract includes housing, which is usually the case.)