China follows the international system and issues visas by its laws and regulations, which may be amended from time to time. Generally speaking, China’s visa policy is very strict, but as more and more Chinese cities adopt a visa-free transit policy, and the United States, Canada, and Argentina citizens implement a 10-year Chinese visa, China’s visa policy becomes more open.

Visa Policy Of China

Visa Policy Of China

China has always adhered to the principle of tit for tat. In other words, China makes visa policies according to the visa policies of other countries. For example, if your country has a strict visa policy for China, China will likely do the same. If a visa in your country is expensive for a Chinese citizen, you may need to spend a lot of money to get a Chinese visa. Visa-free policies in some countries are also based on bilateral agreements.

Do I need a Chinese visa?

China requires tourists to obtain visas in advance unless they are eligible for the visa-free policy, which is mainly applicable to tourists who transfer in China or citizens of countries that have signed bilateral visa-free agreements with China. The holder of a valid temporary or permanent residence permit may also enter China without a visa.

China visa-free policy

For individual passengers making international transfers in China:

24 hours visa-free transit

72 hours visa-free transit

144 hours visa-free transit

For citizens of some countries with visa-free agreements with China:

Singapore, Japan, Brunei, UAE, Grenada, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mauritius, etc.

Can I get a Chinese visa at the time of landing?

China can issue visas when it arrives in Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Xiamen and Hainan, but not all countries. The rules are changed from time to time, so the use of VOA is not recommended. In order to ensure your smooth trip, please get a Chinese visa in advance. In addition to the above cities, other port cities only issue VOA in case of emergency.

Visa Policy Of China

How to apply for a Chinese visa?

1. Prepare your documents: passport, application form, passport photo, travel route, invitation letter, etc

2. Submit the application in person or by mail to the Chinese Embassy / Consulate / Visa Service Application Center (cvasc).

3. Collect the passport and visa on the specified date and pay the fee.

Possible factors of visa approval and refusal in China

It is common sense that consular officers will not tell you the reasons for approving or rejecting visa applications. However, some factors may cause your application to be rejected, such as your nationality, previous experience and records, and the relationship between your country and China.

These rules will not normally be applied to the maximum extent, but at any time, governments may apply them more strictly to individuals, applicants from certain countries or in the event of special events (such as the Olympic Games). As a result, you may be asked at any time to provide a full travel booking showing the minimum amount of money or being invited by a Chinese individual or organization.