Avoid mistakes in the Chinese visa application

The Chinese visa application itself raises many questions for those who fill in the visa. The most common mistake on an application is often to forget to fill in all uppercase applications or to forget to put “n / a” in a space that doesn’t fit you. In addition to these beginner mistakes, other seemingly trivial ones can get your application into trouble. For example, claiming your unemployment claim is usually OK, but if you claim to be unemployed but claim to fund your trip to China, the Consulate / Embassy may ask you how you are currently paying for this trip. Status. Rather than checking the unemployed, check “retired” or whether you are retiring, simply state that someone else (such as a parent or spouse) is financing the trip.

Chinese Visa Application

Other problems in Chinese visa applications may slow down your visa process, including misspelling your name or selecting the incorrect gender checkbox. For simplicity, make sure that all information on the application is consistent with the information provided on your government ID. If the name on your passport does not exactly match the name on your driver’s license, remember that there is an “other known name” field on the Chinese visa application form.

Time to apply for a Chinese visa

Now that you’ve learned how to create a sophisticated Chinese visa application process without making any obvious mistakes, it’s time to apply. If you don’t live near a Chinese consulate, it may be difficult to start applying, and in some cases, people will drive a few hours to the nearest consulate. Don’t waste precious time, just find the organization that cooperates with the China visa office. They will help you fill in all the application materials and express service, making the process easier.

How to get a 10-year China visa:

All foreigners need visas to go to China. Although the process may seem arduous, it is actually routine and easy. Several visa acceleration services can provide you with a 10-year Chinese visa in a few weeks. If you want to use online services, there are many intermediary websites that make the process easy. After entering the website, you will be asked to choose the type of visa you need. All foreigners need a Chinese visa, and almost all tourists need a 10-year Chinese visa. According to the quick guide on the website, you will be required to fill out all China visa request forms and submit them for approval. If for any reason you are missing any China visa request form, your 10-year China visa will be rejected. Please note that all Chinese tourists who do not hold a 10-year Chinese visa will be denied entry.

Chinese Visa Application

When can I get a 10-year Chinese visa?

On average, your 10-year China visa should arrive within a few weeks once you have completed all the China visa request forms, paid for the 10-year China visa fee and any other fees that may arise. If all forms are not sent for some reason, or you are denied a visa, you can try again. However, every time you apply for a 10-year Chinese visa, the process starts from scratch.