Jobs In China For Foreigners 2020

Although China's economic growth has slowed, it is undeniable that it remains the most dynamic economy in the world. There is a high demand for foreign talent (who speak English) in China. If your first language is English, or if you speak English fluently, then you have a better chance of getting a higher salary whether you work full time or part time.

While there are many opportunities for foreigners to find work in China, the fact is that only a few lines of work are really open to us. Since China is a country with a huge population, Chinese companies already have a lot of potential employees to choose from, so foreigners have to make the right choice for their career choices to live in China.

So what are the employment opportunities for foreigners in China in 2020?

Best Jobs In China For Foreigners 2020


You don't need to be a veteran translator or have a corresponding degree in editing or translation. All you have to do is proofread the article or material in English to make it more local.

Typically, part-time jobs for editors or proofreaders pay around 100-200 RMB per hour, while full-time jobs pay over 10,000 RMB per month. If you also have Chinese reading and writing skills, then you can be a translator. Translators are generally paid 2-3 times more than editors.

Import And Export Trade

If you're not satisfied with a job that only takes advantage of your native language, another good option is to work in sales, etc. between China and their trading countries.

Remember, the market in China is big enough that buyers can be found for the specialties of various countries, such as coffee, wine, wool, beef, etc. And Chinese goods, such as cheap electronics, furniture, and auto parts, are in high demand abroad.

The trade potential in China is huge, so wages are definitely not an issue, and your income comes from the profits you generate for the company.

Hotel& Restaurant& Bar management

The Chinese have a special fascination with hotels, cafes or restaurants run by foreigners, and they always think that foreigners have a higher design and taste than Chinese people, and are willing to pay a high price for it.

So, if you have enough money, try to open your own coffee shop or restaurant, and if you don't want to invest too much, then you can join a Chinese made restaurant, bar or hotel.

Generally, this salary is not less than 15,000 RMB. If you are in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai, the salary is higher.

English Teachers & Education

At present, English teaching is still the most needed job for foreigners in China, and Chinese people are beginning to pay attention to the practicality of English, not simply to cope with the test, so there are more demands on the use of spoken English and the authenticity of English expression. The average part-time English teacher can earn 300-500 RMB per hour. If it's full time, this will be tied to the amount of class time you have.

In 2020, there are far more options for foreigners than English teachers in China, and many schools are already recruiting foreigners in computer, science, and basic subjects, full-time or part-time.