The phrase “career china” has already become one of the top searching phrases relating to jobs in China on Google searching engine. And this top traffic phrase also reveals a truth that China is one of top popular destination for foreigners to work abroad. It also gained a name like “a land of job opportunities” as millions of expats come to seek for job chances in China.

Know More about China

China has long time to be a mysterious country for expats all over the world as they only know China through different news reports and movie but not truly hear the voice coming from China. While in 1978, China began to open itself to the whole world by implementing reform and opening-up policy. And since then, the foreign trade industry and other industries become to experience a prosperous development as same as the whole Chinese economy. Now China is not more a mysterious country for expats as they can hear more news about China in the international stage and many Chinese cities also be known by expats like Beijing, the historical and political center; shanghai, the most international metropolis; Shenzhen, the new and energetic city close to Hong Kong. As more quick the flow of information comes with globalization trend, more and more expats begin to open their minds to see the world and want to experience different lives in other countries.

Find Suitable Career in China

China always welcomes qualified foreign talents to settle down their jobs in China. While here you should pay attention to word “qualified” I mentioned before, which means there have some basic requirements for expats who want to settle down their careers in China.

These requirements are:

1、Bachelor Degree or above

2、2 Years of Working Experience

3、No Criminal Record

4、Health Certificate

5、Age limit: Under 55 (women) or 60 (men) years old (this is as same as the Chinese retirement age)

And if you meet these basic requirements, congratulation, you can begin to check the popular jobs in China.

Popular Jobs in China

1. English Teaching Job In China

Yes teaching job is always the most popular job in China as it comes with high payment and lots of benefits like free flight for home leave, free accommodation, free lunch and complete insurances and so on. Why English teaching job always comes with good salary and package? It is because that the needs for English teachers always surpass the supply of English teachers as this trend will continue for a long time. Now it is not that easy to be a English teacher in China as China’s education bureau has already passed the regulation that only native speakers can meet the first requirement of being English teacher in China.

2. Minor Language Teacher In China

Although some of non-native speakers cannot be English teacher in China, there are still some teaching positions available to you as Chinese kids and adults always have passion for learning minor languages like Japanese, French and Spanish and so on. So if you are native speakers of the minor languages mentioned above and have passion for teaching job, do not hesitate to try this kind of teaching job in China.