As business booms in China, more and more jobs position are created in Chinese companies, and expats are jumping at the opportunity to live and work in China,

As a foreigner in China, they should overcome cultural differences, language barriers and adj


As business booms in China, more and more jobs position are created in Chinese companies, and expats are jumping at the opportunity to live and work in China,

As a foreigner in China, they should overcome cultural differences, language barriers and adjust to local customs. Despite that, high salaries, increased cost benefits, as well as a stronger currency allows China to remain as a popular expat destination.


How to Negotiate Your Salary in China?

Expected Salary

We all know that when the interviewer asks you about your expected salary, they are ready to hire you. When this happens to you try and place yourself several thousand RMB over what you actually expect.

Bargaining Power

You need to put an emphasis on how good your university is (even if it’s not), if the job you applied for requires a degree. What’s more, if your Chinese language proficiency is also a bargaining tool in this interview, just flaunt it! Whatever the job, try to present yourself as an expert in your field. Stress your foreign credentials and deep understanding of things like Western social media and business habits. This kind of “insider knowledge” is highly attractive to a Chinese employer. Last but not the least, you must present yourself as an expert in your field. Show your foreign credentials and deep understanding of details in your job description, which will help prevent you from making mistakes when conducting this job. This kind of “insider knowledge” is highly attractive to a Chinese employer.


Judge yourself in a proper way, and admit your weaknesses, nobody is perfect, so don’t let them phase you or reduce your confidence. They will lower the prospective employee’s self-esteem to coerce him or her into accepting a lower salary. Tell the interviewer about the projects that you’ve worked on your accomplishments in your former companies or school.

The Rabbit

Sometimes employers in China will straight up tell you that your degree is worthless, you lack all the necessary qualifications and smell bad – but they’ll still offer you the job anyway. Don’t fall into this trap. If you believe this is happening to you, play “The Rabbit”. This is a time-honored negotiation tactic where the rabbit (you) is attacked by an eagle (your potential employer). What a real rabbit would do in this situation is simply go limp. The idea is that if you stall and don’t agree or disagree to any terms until the employer loses their patience and gives in to your demands (or you lose the job to someone else). Obviously, judge when to play The Rabbit.


How to get your pay raise?

Annual Reviews 
If you’re working in a Chinese company approaching the end of your contract, and your boss wants to sign you on for a few more years, you’re in luck. That means you are a reliable employee, your boss is satisfied with your job performance, and it’s time to get that pay raise. Normally, they will increase your base salary from RMB 2,000 to RMB 3,000 per month. Aside from that, you can also negotiate terms outside of the contract.

Personal Performance

My sister is an HR manager in a Sino-foreign joint venture, she said:” In order to increase pay, foreign job seekers and employees should have better personal performance and a clear vision for their industry by joining a booming industry and a company able to adapt quickly to the market.”

Language Barrier

The language barrier in China is a big challenge for expats. Learn Chinese in your free time, a survey shows that expats who know Chinese earn more than those who don’t. Knowing the language in the country you stay in, will help you with solving many daily issues without local intervention. Without language challenges, you can take up an extra part-time job with high pay. Such as translator, Children tutor etc…

Adjust your Own State of Mind

Your boss values your performance based on your daily attitude. So please adjust your mindset and expect to work overtime or during holidays. Many Chinese employers said that employees are working hard during working hour, but after that, it’s hard for them to contact their employees outside of work hours with urgent things. No one wants to work overtime, but all your hard work will not go unnoticed.


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