China’s vast and diverse landscape offers a endless scenery. One could spend years traveling China, and still barely scratch the surface.

China’s vast and diverse landscape offers a endless scenery. One could spend years traveling China, and still barely scratch the surface. 

For animal lovers, plenty of these places also provide rich biodiveristy. One could go to these places and enjoy both the scenery and the wildlife. 

Let’s look at some of the best places to see animals in China! 

Dujiangyan, Sichuan 

A gorgeous view of Dujiangyan. 

Image: Klook

Pandas relaxing at Baima Village. 

Image: China Discovery

Pandas are the most popular animal to visit while traveling in China. There are many places in China to see pandas roaming about, but Dujiangyan is one of the most popular attractions. Panda Valley in Baima Village, Dujiangyan is one of the best places to come and see pandas during their everyday life. Pandas have recently been removed from the endangered species list but are still threatened by climate change. They are normally considered a symbol of China by tourists and foreigners.

Hainan Island 

Yalong Bay Tropical Heaven Forest Park Sanya Hainan

Image: Tropical Hainan

Eld’s Deer skipping around Hainan. 

Image: Science Beijing Journal

Eld’s Deer can be found on the island of Hainan. There are three different subspecies of Eld’s Deer that can be found through Southeast Asia, but the group of Eld’s Deer in China can only be found on the Island of Hainan. In China, Eld’s Deer are a Class I protected species.

Flying Squirrels can also be found on Hainan island. 

Image: The News for Squirrels

No, they can’t fly like a bird, bat or plane, but they can soar from tree to tree with their patagium, a patch of skin that goes from the wrist to the ankle. Other than their ability to fly, flying squirrels are just like any other squirrel.


Image: National Geographic

Gray Snub-Nosed Monkeys can only be found in Guizhou, China. They are the largest endangered group of Snub-Nosed Monkeys. There are about 700 monkeys in Guizhou to date. It’s endangerment status is due to habitat loss of deciduous and evergreen forests.

Northern Sumatran Rhinoceros were common in the area of Guizhou, China. They have lived in Guizhou for over 650 years. 

Image: Animal Spot

They are said to be extremely endangered and there is a low possibility of any groups existing in the area any longer.


The impressive waterfall at Jingpo Lake, Heilongjiang. 

Image: Pinterest

A Manchurian Hare in Heilongjiang. 

Image: Alchetron

Manchurian Hares are found in Northeast China and in parts of Russia. They are commonly found in places in Heilongjiang. These rabbits are not on the endangered species list and are considered of little concern for protection.

Beijing area

The scenic Yudu Mountain outside of Beijing city.

Image: Steemit 

Image: Pinterest

Zokors are found in Beijing and are a type of rodent that most closely look like a rat or mole-rat. They are native to China and their bones are occasionally used in medicine to replace using tiger bone.

Image: The Life of Animals

North China Leopards are native to Northern China and can be found in the mountains surrounding the outer borders of Beijing. It is endangered and the state tries to protect the animal from hunters and further endangerment.


Lushan Mountain, Jiangxi province. 

Image: China Daily

Image: Pinterest

Hairy-Fronted Muntjac are commonly found in Southeastern China in areas such as Jiangxi. This species of deer is considered endangered and hard to find due to their extreme shyness. The Hairy-Fronted Muntjac used to be harvested and hunted but these activities are no longer legal.

Image: Simple Booklet

South China Tigers are also found in the area of Jiangxi. They are a subspecies of one of the largest cats in the world, the Siberian Tiger. They are found in the mountains surrounding Jiangxi.


Helan Mountains, Ningxia. 

Image: Pinterest

Image: National Geographic

Chinese Mountain Cats are found in Ningxia, China. They are a smaller group of wild cats in China and are listed as “vulnerable” by the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. They are officially categorized as a group of wildcat.


Red Beach, Panjin

Image: Fan Pop

Image: Discovery Channel

Spotted Seals breed on the edge of the Shuangtaizi River of China and can be found on the outskirts of Panjin. This seal is a Class II protected animal but due to the melting of ice floes because of global warming, the spotted seals are nearing extinction.

Which of these places would you most like to visit? Which animals are your favorites? Let us know by commenting below! 

Source: China Whisper